We're working on an actual Fallout 1/2 style map travel system.
Our programmer is only beginning work but here are the early concepts:
(Editing the existing pipboy minimap)
- Add a button in the corner of the pipboy minimap that says "Travel"
- As soon as this button is pressed, the texture of the original minimap and its icons are changed to the colored high res map found here:
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1789 (down atm). Furthermore the map is displayed in fullscreen. The reason why the original map has to be used/expanded is because map markers and stuff are placed by the engine. This also scrolling/zooming will be automatically possible. So you have the old pipboy map (with respective behaviour) with a better texture and icons, and in fullscreen.
- Hide quest markers and player position when in travel mode
(Control the current position)
- Get player coordinates and translate them to cooridnates on the map. Place some marker element there.
- When the player presses the arrow buttons, adjust the markers position.
- Also whenenver moving, increase a travel time variable
(Other map elements)
- get the current cell the player marker would be in. Ref walk this cell (including adjacent ones) and collect map markers and enemy spawns. Map markers are only used internally as discoverd ones are already there, enemy spawns are displayed with special markers on the map.
(Exit travel mode)
- Whenever the player is close enough to a map marker, some message is displayed. I imagine on the right side is some sort button [ Explore ] that is usually greyed out but when near a mapmarker it is clickable. This will exit travel mode and place you at the marker.
- General problem: Exit on encounter, random exit. Of course you could always place the player at the exact position of the marker, however, this could be (on top/inside?) houses, somewhere underwater, or at otherwise strange places. For encounters, placing you directly at the position of the spawn might by too harsh because you are instantly surrounded by enemies. Intelligent positioning will be a challenge here.
(Untravelable areas)
- Parts of the map are actually not travellable, specifically the whole DC area has its own worldspaces. there has to be some sort of mechanism to stop moving the marker in those areas.