Fallout 1.5 Lure Sebastian into a trap help


Ok i came to the part where i have to lure Sebastain to the Super Mutants and kill him, however the problem is, he suspected and brought some of his soldiers in. Needles to say i had no chance at all, they had power armor and Rocket launchers while i had Combat armor, a Sniper rifle and Laser pistol so fighting them is out of the question. The one thing i did notice though is that you can lure him in without bringing in reinforcements (i watched an LP) and finish it no problem. How do i do that? did i miss something?

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
For sure you can buy it from the shopper in the Imperial City.

Ugh that just reminds me of Nirnroot being in Fallout 4 and that asshat ghoul in Nukaworld that got actual magic from radiation.

Like seriously, screw Bethesda's writing team.