Fallout 1.5: Resurrection Update

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
This has been sitting in my inbox a while (sorry guys), the guys from Fallout Resurrection sent over an update.<blockquote>Although this update is arriving on the brink of the long-awaited Fallout 3 release, we hope that it won’t just get lost among all the fabulous news, previews and an avalanche of disagreeable debates and comments. Nevertheless... Firstly we would like to assure you that we are still persistently working on Resurrection. Since the last update we’ve made quite a progress towards the longed for goal, though we are not done yet. We are doing everything in our power to finish the game before the end of this year, so wish us luck!

To sweeten your waiting we this time offer something quite different (and hopefully interesting) – you can listen to some brand new Falloutish music, which will also be included in Resurrection. To celebrate the upcoming release of Fallout 3, Emitremmus, the composer of Resurrection music, has prepared a music project for the whole Fallout community entitled “Nuclearization – A Voyage In The Post Atomic Unknown.” As you can probably tell from the name, it’s a somewhat darker ambient tribute to the great musical accompaniment of the original Fallouts. You can download the whole project from the author’s website http://www.takusama.com Among many unique melodies you’ll be able to find those that Emitremmus composed especially for some of the Fallout 1.5: Resurrection locations. On this website you’ll also find other additional information and neatly compiled interview with the author. So we say to all those of you who like this kind of music or are just curious: enjoy!

Additionally I’m pleased to welcome a new character animator to our team – MarkDey. With this additional help we’ll hopefully be able to expand the number of usable weapons for certain, more interesting, types of characters and enrich your game experience.

The last thing that I would like to bring to your attention in this update is the still available offer for 3D graphics artists, who would be interested in helping us with the creation of the ending screens. This area is unfortunately proving to be quite a pain in the… shoe, and we’d appreciate any help. If you are interested, please head straight to this page.</blockquote>Link: Fallout 1.5: Resurrection site.
Looks cool, and I like most of the music. They might want to be careful using what I assume is Bethesda's capital image.

I can't get the game sample to work from their FAQ page, but that's a question for them.
moyogo said:
They might want to be careful using what I assume is Bethesda's capital image.

Where? Are you speaking of the banner at the top of the Resurrection page? If so, I'm quite certain that is an original work, in the style of the original games (Reminds me of Necropolis).

If you're speaking of an image on takusama.com, well... All I can seem to get is a server status page.
The "front cover" of the "CD" on takusama.com is based on one of Craig Mullins' concept arts and yes, they should rush to remove that because they will get sued if they don't.
Huh. Whenever I try to access takusama.com, I get the following text:

Server Status:
Server Up
And nothing more. Oh well, perhaps later.

EDIT: Nevermind, it is working. How strange.
Double Edit: Yes, they should remove that cover. Not a good move to use it in that way without permission.
:clap: man... this is fallout... i mean Emitremmus captured the spirit/atmosphere/feeling of fallout... thing i didnt "see it" at bethesda until now (except may be megaton track)... despite that Emitremmus music is more ambiental and improvisation-like i feel more immersed by it than bethy music... which is not bad but isnt fallout either ... i'm happy we have him in resurrection team
heh, they even offer that cd cover for download in pdf format. they will be so sued.
They should switch it to some art from the mod or one of their ending images (if they have any yet) before they get a cease and desist letter from Bethesda. I'm not sure if they can be sued for that since it's free distribution but it's certainly not wise.
Cant wait for it. It says on their site that it will be released this year, just hope that there wont be delays.
marko2te said:
Cant wait for it. It says on their site that it will be released this year, just hope that there wont be delays.
This year? I'm pretty sure it will be released this year. Not sure if this year is 2008 though :-)

Seriously: Fallout modding projects are known to have massive delays; at least the more ambitious ones. You can't finish a total conversion in a year. Take a look at FanMadeFallout and Mutants Rising and you'll see that they're working on it since several years. The same goes for other community projects like FIFE.
They are not working on it since only a year, as far as I know.
Some clarifications:

It currently looks like it will be released this year (though obviously some issues can cause further delays), however we are talking about the Czech version.
Resurrection FAQ section said:
The Czech version will be released this year (2008), the English version will be released as soon as possible after that.

Also, the project is out there for quite some time. Though I personally am no longer sure how long exactly. If you count even the initial design/recruitment stages, it has been over 3 years now (maybe even 4). A lot of work has been done, but it's not over just yet.
Ultimately I'm very sure that it will come out eventually, even in English...

If people feel like asking any questions, I strongly suggest the official forum.
Seto said:
Also, the project is out there for quite some time. Though I personally am no longer sure how long exactly. If you count even the initial design/recruitment stages, it has been over 3 years now (maybe even 4). A lot of work has been done, but it's not over just yet.
Resurrection has been in development since spring of 2003. So it’s roughly five years and half...

Damn, almost whole WWII took about so much time. :D