Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

Ok, finally I got to the bottom of holodisk problem. Found the damn { error in the text and squashed it! Plus I figured out the pipboy.msg syntax, so re-download. It should work now, even in v1.2.

Yeah, I started the translation back when only v1.1 was available. The Resurrection Team changed quite a bit of texts in v1.2, so some extra errors might pop up. I just didn't have enough time to update the translation yet.

PS: 1.1 and 1.2 saves are NOT compatible. That's why your saves didn't work on my Resurrection installation...at first, until I had a hunch that you were using the newest version.
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Thanks a lot. I will make a final check in the next couple of days. The translation allows to play freely in 99% of cases, which is awesome.
An advanced level of English may be probably required, though, as sometimes the phrases are translated as opposite, or contain the contradicting statements. Kinda keeps in a good shape, requires extra attention to what is written.
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Worked like a charm.

Actually there are a few minor Errors from random characters (junkies, etc.), but nothing affecting the quests and general plot, which is awesome.

Didn't check the former Rat Hole mayor, though.
I played this mod for a while... I wasn't playing attention to translations, but everything else...


This happens in "Resurgence base" level 6. Ghoul next to me is "eleventh reborn", while he should be located in the room behind the forcefield, lying next to clay pot. Somehow his body gets to where he's now. Only way to "help" him when twelfth reborn ask you to, is if you stand somewhere between that pot and eleventh but have them both in clear line of sight. Also, i've seen at least 2 secutiry robots that will not attack if shooting starts (excluding those on the practice range).


These soldiers stay here long after they were supposed to go away. After they helped you fight Emperor "Myzrael's" forces on Elisa's behalf, they never moved, checked few times. Even when Myzrael's gone and Elisa takes his place, citizens from Imperial city are still talking about how great Myzrael is (not was). Maybe it's a translation thing:confused:


Every locked footlocker, door or locker previously unlocked + open_flag, stays that way but locks itself after some time when player exits that map. Maybe close_flag should be added on map_enter/update.


Hunters base, Albuquerque. What's the story behind this elevator shaft:confused: Guards say that alien like critters sometimes come down from the second floor and crawl out of the shaft. Is there a way to climb up? Would be interesting to see them up close, not just the ones in captivity.


This power generator maybe needs the same part as power generator at Mutants base, i managed to find only one part in exchange for minigun upgrade... Maybe i'll update this list later, need more time.

I see you put a lot of time in writing dialogs, creating new items, locations... but playing with default character settings made me see and experience a bit less than this mod has to offer. It was fun nonetheless. Of course, this mod really feels like a complete story of its own, regardless to events in FO1.

Some things i haven't noticed so far... no vehicles, it may seem like a cliche but i always loved them:wiggle: Available ammo types forced me to use only 2-3 weapons most of the time (one single shot long range: sniper/anti-material rifle, other weapon for burst mode: minigun, third weapon for special occasions: rocket launcher with strictly controlled usage). Shopkeepers mostly sell what i wasn't looking for, misc items, money and healing items are scarce. Difficulty varies a lot (from overpowered ghoul patrols and deathclaws to encounters with one pigrat:razz: while being Level 18) but enough to keep you watchful and ever vigilant... I hope to give it another try when it gets fully polished :mrgreen:
Could we consider that the english conversion is near completion ?
Some people might be interested in translating from english toward other langages.
Well, it's nowhere near finished.)) I don't speak Czech, so It's just a GOOGLE translation with my editing (where I can guess the meaning of the dialog. Being Russian helps understanding some stuff. Both are slavic language group). That being said if you want to translate to French or some other language I would wait, if I were you, for the official English translation by Resurrection Team. Otherwise, you might be creating a whole lot more screwed-up texts with a bunch of juicy details lost.
My unofficial attempt is good enough for personal playthrough only, nothing more. I just figured translations do take A LONG TIME to complete (read this to get a glimpse of how much text needs to be processed), especially free volunteer-based ones. So, English speakers shouldn't be deprived for A LONG TIME))) of the enjoyment playing this great TC mod.

PS: Just uploaded another version. Grab it here. Now it's more in line with v1.2 of the mod, but not completely. Working on it.

PSS: Ok, I've added the text changes from v1.2.
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Well, it's nowhere near finished.)) I don't speak Czech, so It's just a GOOGLE translation with my editing (where I can guess the meaning of the dialog. Being Russian helps understanding some stuff. Both are slavic language group). That being said if you want to translate to French or some other language I would wait, if I were you, for the official English translation by Resurrection Team. Otherwise, you might be creating a whole lot more screwed-up texts with a bunch of juicy details lost.

Hi! Could you add text file with disclaimer like that in your Resurrection translation? So it's clear that it is just automatic translation and proper/official translation is in progress.
Thanks for adjusted interface art. We'll check it and probably use it.

Forgotten Knight:
What version are you playing? Can you repeat bug with "eleventh reborn" - Meaning do you have save before entering base and when you enter, he is in wrong place again? One player have already reported this bug, but we were unable to repeat it.

You could get to second floor full of alien like critters, but from upper floor, when following different line of quests than you have completed.

Regarding a vehicle - There isn't one. See FAQ, question "Is there a car or any other form of transportation?"
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Just met a horrible bug while helping mentor Aran in his fight against Elise. When I entered the city and bashed the guards, the battle ended but nothing else happened. Aran with guys stood still near the entrance to the administration building, (remaining green aura to me), and when I got near Elise, she remained friendly and kept saying 'there is no more work, blah blah'.

Resurrection 1.2 with Drobovik's latest translations.

Actually, I met a few Errors when I went to the final battle with Anonymous, so I had no idea what the soldiers from both sides including Aran spoke about. It was a 'cutscene', when I did not have an ability to take any action, just watch the dialogue.

Actually I have an idea where this bug comes from - when I entered the city, I started the battle not letting Aran shoot the first. The script was not launched properly then, most probably.

Re-doing the battle properly helped, just as I thought.
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I've got a serious problem. In a dialog with the super mutant guarding the entrance to the mutant camp I get a message "He stepped aside", but he does not step aside and I cannot go to the camp without fighting.

Resurrection v1.2, wearing Power Armor, 2 companions, Drobovik's latest google translation.
Orzie: That's a sneaky bug! There's a workaround: make him step away through dialogue and try to leave and re-enter map again, he should be properly moved out of the way. It has been reported even in Czech version, so no translation problem this time.
Another "Grabbing Text Error" message while trying to talk to the ghoul in the power armor (northern part of the base) on the first floor of the Resurgence Base.

Also, the latest translation doesn't fix George, the former Rat Hole mayor - he's got a bunch of Errors when I talk about Marie with him.
I need a savegame for resurgence base or at least exact name of the ghoul to find in texts.

I'll look into George's dialog.
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His name's Tramell.

Actually, there are a few doors there which also show Errors. All of them except one just require the electronic lockpick. The only one door on the 6th floor (responsible for the room with the reactor cooling device) requires something else.
Just in case there are Russian players or people who can understand Russian - I have written a brief review on the FO1,5: Resurrection.

I don't think I'm going to translate it into English due to the lack of time, but who knows. I hope there will be a lot of other English-speaking players to write down their own thoughts too.
A report from another player: he was going to cut off the 6th finger in the Hunters Base, and when he did it with the doctor's help, he lost 5 Agility permanently.
After that he was not able to become a Hunter, and Craig just sends him to the doctor while doctor doesn't have a dialog option anymore to solve that.

I doubt this was intended.
Sounds like that situation isn't clear because of translation. Mutant Hunters don't want someone with mutation among them. Even it is small mutation. And they are very strict when it comes to removing mutated body parts. This doctor didn't cut off only a toe (it's toe, not finger), but a foot as well. Just to be sure. That is why he lost 5 Agility permanently, he is practically cripple.

Craig shouldn't send player to doctor again after this. That might be a bug. I'll look into it.
Ah, okay. We Russians just have the same word for finger and toe, and usually require additional adjective to make things certain. So I just misunderstood that guy.

So, is there supposed to appear a 'perk' or 'trait' after the amputation?
Same in Czech language. Automatic translation probably made it "finger" in the game.

No. Just -5AG permanently.
Update for my translation pack. Link is in my sig below. Will work on perk descriptions next.

-- Fixed George's dialog in Rat Hole regarding Marie.
-- Fixed error in Tramell's float messages.
-- Fixed the door errors in Resurgence Base.

BTW, what does dementko mean in Czech slang?
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