Fallout 1 GOG.com version will never have children.


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Not sure if this applies to Fallout 2 as well (although I wouldn't be surprised) but this is the official response from Good Old Games when I asked them about including the F1Child patch:

GOG Support [removed-to-avoid-spam said:
Re: Fallout 1 censorship||GM4YA6HMRR


I'm afraid that due our agreement with the publisher we are not able to perform such modification.

GOG.com Support

Considering that Steam uses the exact same (bit-exact) .dat files, I assume that Steam's version won't ever have Children either.

So it's up to us to spread the word about the children patches and other megamods that fix said issue :salute: We can't have first-time players of Fallout 1/2 unable to slaughter innocent children, that's ridiculous!
Very ridiculous,children deserve to be punished sometimes by being punished with a fist in the groin :))
I really don't get it why wouldn't they include the children?
Are they afraid that the players will go bersek in theyr town killing kids just because they did that i a game?:))
I thought the versions have children. At least Fallout 2 should have, or was it changed?
I've read that the newer Fallout collections that have the three Interplay-published games on one disc don't have children in them, even in the North American release. For some bizarre reason, it's like Interplay are ashamed that the first instalments had such phrases as "Child was critically hit for 159 hit points. Now this young child will never really experience life."
tehgary said:
I've read that the newer Fallout collections that have the three Interplay-published games on one disc don't have children in them, even in the North American release. For some bizarre reason, it's like Interplay are ashamed that the first instalments had such phrases as "Child was critically hit for 159 hit points. Now this young child will never really experience life."
Better is in the credits where it says "We'll give the kids a bowl haircut so you can't tell if it's a boy or girl when you're killing it"

I just realized that the subject line I chose for this thread is hilarious. Apparently GOG uses condoms and is pro-choice.

Is that in the quotes thing you get by holding shift and clicking on the credits? I imagine that'd still be in the game.

Sadly, this wouldn't be accessible :(


Unless I decide from the beginning that I want to be a dick, or I'm at the end of the game and decide "Fuck it," and decide to kill every NPC in the game, I never intentionally harm kids in the game. But when I do, that description is wildly funny to me.

I haven't bothered installing the child patch on my laptop for Fallout because they're not that big a deal, but the lack of kids is a bit of a pain in Fallout 2, with the floating text from invisible kids following you in Klamath, then you have coins disappearing because of invisible kids hanging around doors, then you can't finish the quest to find Johnny in Modoc.
tehgary said:
Is that in the quotes thing you get by holding shift and clicking on the credits? I imagine that'd still be in the game.

Sadly, this wouldn't be accessible :(


Unless I decide from the beginning that I want to be a dick, or I'm at the end of the game and decide "Fuck it," and decide to kill every NPC in the game, I never intentionally harm kids in the game. But when I do, that description is wildly funny to me.

I haven't bothered installing the child patch on my laptop for Fallout because they're not that big a deal, but the lack of kids is a bit of a pain in Fallout 2, with the floating text from invisible kids following you in Klamath, then you have coins disappearing because of invisible kids hanging around doors, then you can't finish the quest to find Johnny in Modoc.
The sounds they make when dying are really funny, too.
IIRC, many nations do not allow Children to be killed to get past censors. Thus a game company can.

1) Not have kids in the game
2) maintain two game bases, one with kids, and one without, and make sure resellers never sell it to those nations which ban it.
3) have immortal kids.
tehgary said:
I've read that the newer Fallout collections that have the three Interplay-published games on one disc don't have children in them, even in the North American release. For some bizarre reason, it's like Interplay are ashamed that the first instalments had such phrases as "Child was critically hit for 159 hit points. Now this young child will never really experience life."

Actually, I own the Fallout Classic Collection that was released somewhat recently. Kids are there, and trust me. They can die.
Sounds like something in GoG's agreement with the publisher is goofy. If they still have children in F2, the omission in F1 can't really be about respecting other countries' laws. It would be nice to hear more details about what's going on there. Maybe there's just a communication failure, or someone's dropping the ball (or just too lazy to follow up and fix the problem)? Hmmm.

Worst were those random encounter kids that looked like the beggars in FO2, already melted a dozen of them with my Turbo plasma rifle when I realized I was killing kids...

Fuck those bounty hunters...
James Snowscoran said:
Well, Fallout 2 from GOG still works flawlessly with the restoration project- kids galore.
Correct-- the only thing missing is the graphics files, so if a mod like something from TeamX or Killap or myself restores those files, everything is A-OK.

memetics said:
Sounds like something in GoG's agreement with the publisher is goofy. If they still have children in F2, the omission in F1 can't really be about respecting other countries' laws. It would be nice to hear more details about what's going on there. Maybe there's just a communication failure, or someone's dropping the ball (or just too lazy to follow up and fix the problem)? Hmmm.

Maybe it's because i'm the one that's asking. "Oh, it's SDUIBEK. Fuck that guy, just tell him some bullshit and then get back to work." :mrgreen:
Sduibek said:
James Snowscoran said:
Well, Fallout 2 from GOG still works flawlessly with the restoration project- kids galore.
Correct-- the only thing missing is the graphics files, so if a mod like something from TeamX or Killap or myself restores those files, everything is A-OK.
You sure that the vanilla gog.com version doesn't have kids? This thread seems to imply otherwise, although it is a few years old. From what I can tell your quote only implies that F1 is censored, not the sequel.
I just decided to check it out. Downloaded the GOG.com version and just installed it on my laptop (which I've never had the GOG.com version on before, so it's not like I'd installed the child patch previously), zipped through the Temple of Trials and then popped over to Klamath and, lo, there were a few children kicking about. I smacked one of them about a bit. My unarmed skills weren't good enough to finish him off before he went all "leave me alone!" and ran away and his buddies came to throw rocks at me, but I presume it's possible to kill them as well.

I guess I'd just assumed that there were no kids in it as I'd always installed the children patch before playing the game.
Ohhh whoops. Yeah I was initially refering to only Fallout 1.

Thread Subject updated to avoid confusion :D