Fallout 1 GOG


First time out of the vault
Hi guys, im new and i have really bad english grammer sooo yeah.
i just wanted to ask you guys if the fallout 1 from GOG is worth my money.
And is it the censored version?
Again, sorry for my bad english...
and thank's for helping :wink:
Asking if Fallout 1 is worth your money on a forum that reveres the classics is a silly question, of course it is worth your money ;)
As for the question if it is the censored version, I think it is but there are mods here that can remove/add the censored parts like the killable children.
Asking if Fallout 1 is worth your money on a forum that reveres the classics is a silly question, of course it is worth your money ;)
As for the question if it is the censored version, I think it is but there are mods here that can remove/add the censored parts like the killable children.
Thank you for the fast reply, dude!
one last question, is it a hi-res version??
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The GOG version might include the hi-res patch. I know it was included with what they're now calling the Classic version. Don't know for sure about the re-release.
If you're planning on getting the GOG version, make sure you wait for a sale. (The individual games are now 9.99 instead of 5.99.) That and the goodies that came with the game purchase before Bethesda got their hands on it are gone, and they've given no substantial reason why beyond "...we didn't want to leave people waiting."
Does the 'hi-res' patch do anything aside from ~effectively shrinking the graphics?

I know it doesn't actually reduce them, and that it does a neat reformatting of the screen layout, to allow for more sprites to be loaded, but does it actuality alter the sprites? (and if it does, are they actually improved?)
Does the 'hi-res' patch do anything aside from ~effectively shrinking the graphics?
Graphics can be rendered through D3D API now without those funky color glitches on present operating systems, thanks to DX 9.0 support in high-res patch; or you can use windowed mode too. Aside from that, you can redefine a couple of properties for UI elements, check out f1_res.ini file for more details.

.. does it actuality alter the sprites? (and if it does, are they actually improved?)
I'm not aware of anything like that, since hi-res patch doesn't alter master.dat and critter.dat in any way. Sprites are still the same as before.
I downloaded Fallout 1 from GOG yesterday and noticed these differences:

1) They removed the children from this edition.
2) Drug addiction is now referred to as "chem craving".
I think what this guy means is that is it worth it to get it on GOG instead of Steam. IIRC, the Steam version is uncensored and comes with the HiRes patch, but the GOG version comes with a bunch of goodies.