Fallout 1 - Military Base forcefields and explosives bug


First time out of the vault
Hi all,
Just replaying Fallout 1, maybe 15 minutes from finishing - yay me :P.
no major bugs (Error!! cry the grateful masses of vault13 8)), but now I'm in the military base, and have a problem.
I cannot lower the forcefields - if i use repair or a tool, i get the message "you have temp. disabled the emitter". it either flickers off for half a second (+-), or doesn't do anything.

np, just blow them up then, but all the explosives have vanished from the game. I've checked dead bodies and stashes that i know had bombs, and every merchant in every town (some who i've sold dynamite to). Nothing. (but they still have everything else i sold them) . They also seem to have stopped restocking. (killian's caps still on 34). It's the same with my early saves - no bombs anywhere.

Any ideas?

(PS: if this is a known bug answered elsewhere, sorry - i tried searching but couldn't find it)

Running XP SP2,
XP2100+, 256Mb RAM, Geforce 4MX, 80GB HDD.

Fallout v1.2 european version (I've also installed the v1.3beta patch from this site, no change)
Never mind - I'm now getting the message Error loading game, unable to load on all 10 save slots. Or to put it another way - RAAGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! YOU DIE NOW, FALLOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

Ok, so it's always a risk playing fallout, but still, to do that to me when i only had to set the self destruct and leave the base to win the game is just mean. :cry:

thanks anyhow!
Hehe, you feel miserable now, don't you?

Ban please, for double posting! :twisted:
after all that, then "ban please.." you had a deprived childhood, didn't you? :wink:
Vatting for pointlessness, double posting and uninstalling the holy Fallout.

... Of course, unless you didn't really uninstall the game, which might be inferred by the fact that you returned to check for replies and then replied to Alec's post.
lol - no, i haven't unisntalled it, i love these games. I'm just sitting looking at it, sobbing quietly, a sad, broken remenant of my former self.

Not even the carrion eaters are interested in my withered corpse...

Ok, so i lied and uninstalled, but that was just to reinstall and try to use my backed up saves :roll:

(On a side note, i noticed that the icon for falloutw.exe in the install directory is a guy with glasses and black hair. one of the programmers? just curious)
That's Tim Cain, I think.

Your explosives bug sounds very strange, I've never heard of it before. Most shops never restock, though, so that's not part of it.

Also, don't install any unofficial add-on if you want to receive help in this forum, since that would make it a modding issue.
Ok, problem solved, sort of - I did a clean install, after which just one of my saves started working again (my latest one, no less! :o),
Still no bombs, so i used a fallout editor to change a first aid kit to 100 plastic explosives. After which all the other explosives were back in the game (went round the map checking - weird). Still didn't remove any forcefields, though - just made the emitters disappear, so i could squeeze past the fields. That happen often?

Thanks for the help, everyone.
Fallout 1 Force Field Bug

Okay, I know all about how repair should bring down the forcefields. When I used to play the game on Windows 95 back in the 90's, it worked all the time. I know how to do it, I know how it is supposed to work.

However, I am now having a problem with it. I'm on Windows XP, manual installation of the humongous install, the win version, with the offical patch. I have a repair skill of 89%. I click on an emitter to the green forcefield and it gives me two options, the binocolours and my inventory. So I go into my inventory, click on the pliers and use them. It gives me the response about how the forcefield has been temporarily disabled.

This is where the problem is: the forcefield hasn't been disabled at all. It flickers for about a millisecond but it doesn't disable. I tried doing it in combat mode to see if that would help, but it has the same effect.

If I had to guess, I'd say that either:

1. The fact it only flickers seems to me to indicate that whatever code that is in the program that is supposed to remove the forcefield has in some way failed rather than bringing down the field for only a milisecond.

2. The timer is in some way screwed up.

The only thing that seems to work is explosives but I don't think it's working in the way intended there. You see, when I used it, the emitter disappeared completely (leaving me a sizable hole in the wall I could walk through) but the forcefield still remained.

So does anyone have any idea on what I should do about this? Is there some kind of unofficial patch which will solve this problem?

I'm not the first to have this trouble either:

One Topic
More Extreme but Partially the same (reading his solution, is it possible the save I was using was some how corrupted?)

I seem to remember something similiar happening in Fallout 2 once as well but I don't remember the details of it.
Re: Fallout 1 Force Field Bug

Merging with the most recent of the old threads.

The forcefield scripts are quite bugged, partially the result of mixing more than one code system and set of variables to regulate their behaviour. Using Repair does turn the field invisible, then once the field/emitter gets a "heartbeat", they turn back on. That this happens immediately in combat is easily explained because everything gets a heartbeat every combat round. That it happens outside of combat is more strange; maybe your system is so fast it goes through the motions more quickly, but I don't see why if the rest of the game isn't similarly speeded up. Could be an effect similar to the Fo2 travel speed bug.

The only thing that seems to work is explosives but I don't think it's working in the way intended there. You see, when I used it, the emitter disappeared completely (leaving me a sizable hole in the wall I could walk through) but the forcefield still remained.

This is a known bug, the result of failing your Traps roll.

I would suggest you use the Radio solution for the fields; if there's a yellow one blocking off the communications room, use explosives.