Fallout 1 Mods Unite!

Is the 1.2 patch just the kids patch for UK? I can't seem to find the 1.2 patch anywhere.

I ask this because I have ver 1.1, and downloaded/installed the 1.2.5 patch, and nearly every time i step onto an exit grid, the game crashes. I haven't been able to get beyond Shady Sands. Perhaps it's because I used the FALCHE character editor? Any help would be appreciated
Is the 1.2 patch just the kids patch for UK? I can't seem to find the 1.2 patch anywhere.
Patch 1.2 for US resides there.
Fallout update 1.2.5 is NOT a patch at all. It's a mod. And it has several fatal bugs in it's script binaries. Most probably you are not lucky enough to encounter some of them.
Refer to earlier messages in this thread for recommended installation order.
The problem I am having with downloading is that when I click on certain links, Avega's Patch for example, it isn't a link to d/l the file, it says I'm downloading a file called "dload.php". I wouldn't have an issue, but the alternate site doesn't work either. So if anyone knows where I can get Avega's 1.3 patch, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
A) You don't left-click the download link, but right-click and pick "Save as", thus downloading the download page rather than the file you intended to download.


B) You are using a very very verily very crappish browser.


C) The internets hate you.
feelingxbroken said:
The problem I am having with downloading is that when I click on certain links, Avega's Patch for example, it isn't a link to d/l the file, it says I'm downloading a file called "dload.php". I wouldn't have an issue, but the alternate site doesn't work either. So if anyone knows where I can get Avega's 1.3 patch, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

Left click on the download link, then, and be taken to the Download page. What browser are you running?
I am not right clicking. I am using the AOL Explorer browser. I just tried with regular internet explorer and that didn't work either.
See, there's your problem, god hates AOL users.

Are you using any download managers or other applicatoins that may interfere with your downloading?
Also, you can always try right-clicking and selecting open link(in new window/tab/whatever).
Nope. No managers or anything. I just tried to open it in a new link and tab. Still no luck. BTW I only downloaded the AOL browser. I would never use their service.
I have the same problem, and i'm not using any download manager or AOL. Right clicking does not work. It wants to give me the picture of the icon and not the file. Have any of you actually tried to download the file recently?

I also can't seem to get the download for the NPC mod. Perhaps it has something to do with the "alternative download page" no longer existing?

Either way somone just point us to the download page on 3d downloads please.
The wierd thing is that some links do work. It just seems like the ones I actually want to D/L are the ones not working for me.
Private Dobbs said:
I also can't seem to get the download for the NPC mod. Perhaps it has something to do with the "alternative download page" no longer existing?

Either way somone just point us to the download page on 3d downloads please.


This one? It works like a charm for me, it's a small file, so it's on site and not 3dd. Try again.

feelingxbroken said:
Nope. No managers or anything. I just tried to open it in a new link and tab. Still no luck. BTW I only downloaded the AOL browser. I would never use their service.

Use Firefox. And to DL it go to my homepage adn click the referrer, so I earn cash :)

Seriously though, please tell us which downloads exactly seem to be broken for you.
I can't get the NPC mod either. I've looked in the 3D NMA page and everything I can't D/L doesn't seem to be there, but everything that works for me I can find on that site. So could it be an issue with that site?
same problem, get to the page and when i mouse over the download link it shows me the address of the page i'm looking at and when i click it either way it trys to download dload.php
I just tried every D/L in the FO folder and here are the ones not working for me:

Avega's Fallout Patch 1.3 Beta
Fallout Update Mod 1.2.5 English Version
NPC Upgrade Mod For Fallout

Those seem to be the only ones.
Everything works for me. Check your internet security settings. Downloads can be crappled due to disabled script execution. I'd recommend adding NMA to Trusted sites. Another one possible reason is incompletely downloaded file page. IE and offsprings do that often for PHP-based boards.
Try also to download that dload.php when you asked for and check contents of the resulting file. May be troubles affect filename only. Like it happens with pictures in the gallery.
It works. I feel like such an ass. I used Firefox and voila.

New question: How do I install these mods. For example the semi-official 1.2 patch. There is no readme and just a single file. So what do I do with it and other files like this? I suck at trying to figure these kind of things out on my own so if anyone could give me very detailed instructions on how to install all of the patches in the correct order, I'd really appreciate it.
Damn. That will be difficult... Unpack downloaded archive to your Fallout directory and read carefully patcheng.txt for further details.
Alchemist said:
So, in general, installation order should be:

0. Semioffical 1.2 patch (optional)
1. 1.2.5 Update mod
2. Unofficial 1.3 patch (will replace some parts of the previous mod)
3. NPC Upgrade

Check corresponding included readme files for more details and installation instructions.

So here I go again.
I installed the patches in just that order.

Now, when I am in Junktown, completing the quest to kill Gizmo,
kill the crazy Raider in the Crash House, and help the deputy
to jail the Skulz;
I return to the General Store, and Killian isn't there anymore.
Not dead, just gone, this happened to me now for second time.

Maybe some incompatibility of the patches, I guess.
Question is, which one?