Fallout 1 questions.


It Wandered In From the Wastes
so i am in The Hub and i found a new religion, my intelligence is at 6, and when i talked to the purple robed lady, she kept getting mad at me, and i kept apologizing, and i finally got around to saying i wanted to be a member of the religion, however, i am not able to join, my last conversation options are about mutants and finding peace in the wasteland. is my intelligence too high to join? or is this religion a major plot device for later on in the game?
I don't recall if you can join Jane; that chapter always seems rude and of hair-trigger temper to me.

Fallout is a very neat game; one that should be played blind, and on impulse the first time through... I can't suggest too much that you not try to make a perfect play or attempt to see it all on the first try; or endeavor get the 'best' possible outcomes for each encounter, and to instead just go with your gut and experience the game as it comes to you... then enjoy the tailored ending.
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i was kinda surprised to see some of the people in the purple robes in the mutant base i ended up in after visiting the necroppolis, the cult now seems really fishy to me!