Fallout 1 & Random Encounters


First time out of the vault

I play F1 US with the 1.1 official US patch and i'm just wondering why there is just a few random encounter.

for example i can travel for a month beetween Shady Sands & Vault 13 without any encounter.

that really piss me off.
Almost everybody was killed when the bombs fell. So it would be stupid if wasteland was full of men and monsters.
A month sounds a bit steep, tho'

ByX: it's a known issue with newer computers that the encounter rate is low in Fallout 2, there's even a fixer for this in the patch section.

However, I'm less sure about Fallout 1. There should be a way to tweak the encounter rate, I'll let one of our more tech-savvy users field that one.
i know that about Fallout 2 so i said, well let's play on my old Pentium 233, but it's the same in fact.