First time out of the vault

This is my first time through Fallout 1, so my biggest problem was probably expecting it to be a little more like Baldur's Gate, with the Bags of Holding, Girdles of Strength, and decent inventory management that mean a low Strength isn't a big deal. WRONG. I now have Powered Armor so my Str is high enough to use all the good weapons, but I still can't carry a whole lot since half my carry weight is taken up by the plasma rifle and the armor...and my NPCs help but not enough, so the situation I've got is that I've collected a bunch of useful stuff I can't use because between all of us, we can't manage to carry it--and I've got some really valuable things, too, like sniper rifles and assault rifles and flamers and a rocket launcher and a minigun, but I can't actually use them since they're too heavy to take more than one gun anywhere and still hope to loot anything...and I can't sell them because so far I haven't found any merchants with enough caps (or anything else I need, but caps would be best), so at the moment it's all sitting on a shelf in the Hub being completely useless. I couldn't even take most of what I found in the Glow because of this. I'm far enough through the game that I don't want to start over with a more strength-based character, because otherwise I'm pretty happy with this build, but this is driving me nuts. Developing a versatile arsenal so you can actually take down stronger enemies and gathering a stupid amount of money are half the fun of RPGs. (So is leveling up your party with you and being able to give them armor to wear...but in this case that's a little too much to ask.)
I realize FO1 is nearly impossible to mod, but there's got to be a way to make this less frustrating--some kind of gameplay trick that I'm just missing, or a relatively easy way to change item weights, player carry weight, number of caps kept in stock by merchants, something. I just want to enjoy this game, not keep slogging through it in unending frustration until I can finally finish it and move on to FO2, which has to be better.
I realize FO1 is nearly impossible to mod, but there's got to be a way to make this less frustrating--some kind of gameplay trick that I'm just missing, or a relatively easy way to change item weights, player carry weight, number of caps kept in stock by merchants, something. I just want to enjoy this game, not keep slogging through it in unending frustration until I can finally finish it and move on to FO2, which has to be better.