Fallout 1 using Fallout 2 engine - help requested

yes, it is easier to recreate worldmap.txt from scratch, there is not possible to create with editor, only for tweaking.
Cubik2k said:
yes, it is easier to recreate worldmap.txt from scratch, there is not possible to create with editor, only for tweaking.
To bad you didn't include a magic button that could just fill in everything for you. ;)

@ Sduibek, I've had it with the encounters.
Since Fallout1 gets all random encounter data from scripts it don't easily translate to the worldmap.txt format (randomised stuff, distance, formation etc).
I filled out the encounters and tables in worldmap.txt as an empty shell (mainly the different sections but without much data, the tile info is all there though). The special encounter stuff is not proper, was just playing around with it.

If you want to have a look at it it's here.
If you use the included random desert and mountain scripts, the encounters works like in Fallout1 but the F2 encounter description is annoying.

Also, I noticed that something is funny with the radscorpions, they have area of effect attacks, like grenades or something. Scorpions in cave behave the same way.
I decided to do some work on the editor and this here is the link to a slightly improved version:


Darek said:
To bad you didn't include a magic button that could just fill in everything for you. ;)

Who know... Maybe there will be such magic button ;)

And seriously: with this release, you can create new Encounter Group

I will try to make simple video how to use editor.

Here is video:

@Darek-- Well damn, sucks that it didn't work out. Thank you for your hard work on it. :salute: