Slaughter Manslaught
Vault Senior Citizen

I think the Vault is actually worse, because the Military Cathedral contains mostly laser/minigun mutants, which you can shrug off easily with your Power Armor, its the flamer/rocket launcher guys you need to be scared of there, and plasma is rare there.
Master's Vault has lots and lots of plasma rifles, everywhere. First time I tried to fight the Vault, I died to the Centaurs at entrance, because my combat shotgun didn't do crap to them. Yes, I finished Fallout 1 for the first time with a Combat Shotgun, instead of the .223, the Sniper Rifle or a Turbo-Plasma, it was a fine gun and I mostly eye-shot things. Worst part is level 3, where there's a room full of Nightkin officers with plasma rifles.
Master's Vault has lots and lots of plasma rifles, everywhere. First time I tried to fight the Vault, I died to the Centaurs at entrance, because my combat shotgun didn't do crap to them. Yes, I finished Fallout 1 for the first time with a Combat Shotgun, instead of the .223, the Sniper Rifle or a Turbo-Plasma, it was a fine gun and I mostly eye-shot things. Worst part is level 3, where there's a room full of Nightkin officers with plasma rifles.