Fallout 2 and Winxp

Odin said:
AFAIK the US dual Jewel pack has the patch included, then it would be different then the 1.0 version that I have.

Well the 1.02D patch is a separate PATCH000.DAT file. So I would have thought the master.dat would not have changed, but we're gatting different MD5 sums which implies it did change.

The FO1 in dual jewel seems to be patched to version 1.1 as shipped, with no patch file (I don't think they added the patch DAT capability to the engine until FO2 was made).
dude_obj said:
The FO1 in dual jewel seems to be patched to version 1.1 as shipped, with no patch file (I don't think they added the patch DAT capability to the engine until FO2 was made).
The Fallout 1 patch only changes the falloutw.exe and inserts a data folder with various scripts and such in it (ie updates), so no patch DAT there.
I'm making a troubleshooting section for the main page, but sure I can put it in the sticky too.
I can't seem to install Fallout 1 on Win2000. It's thinks it's windows NT and tells me to fuck off every time I try. :?
calculon00 said:
I can't seem to install Fallout 1 on Win2000. It's thinks it's windows NT and tells me to fuck off every time I try. :?

Nice try, bud! :lol:
Yay! Calculon is using my Calculonse avatar after all!

Oh, and I doubt that you don't know that Win2k is WinNT 5. You really got to try harder, y'know?
I have no trubble installing fallout1 on win2k...except from fallout thinking that I got less than 20 megs of hard drive space.
I think you can fix that by deleting a line of Fallout's configuration. Otherwise it can't cope with large harddisks.