Fallout 2 Builds: Are These Good?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Note: I have the Restoration Project mod used with this game.

Small Guns Sharpshooter

Gifted and Small Frame

S-5 (10)
P-8 (9)
C-7 (6)
I-7 (8)
A-9 (10)
L-8 (10)

Tagged Skills

Small Guns

Primary Weapon - Gauss Rifle
Secondary Weapon - Pancor Jackhammer or Gauss Pistol

Perks - Awareness, Bonus Rate of Fire, Quick Pockets, Action Boy (2), Living Anatomy, Sniper, Better Criticals

Big Guns Sharpshooter

Gifted and Fast Shot

S-5 (10)
P-7 (8)
C-7 (6)
I-7 (8)
A-9 (10)
L-8 (10)

Tagged Skills

Small Guns

Secondary Skills

Primary Weapon - Gauss Pistol
Secondary Weapon - Vindicator Minigun or Bozar

Perks - Awareness, Bonus Rate of Fire, Quick Pockets, Action Boy (2), Living Anatomy, Sniper, Better Criticals

Energy Weapons Sharpshooter

Gifted and Small Frame or Fast Shot

S-5 (10)
P-7 (8)
C-7 (6)
I-7 (8) or 8 (9) with Small Frame
A-9 (10)
L-8 (10)

Tagged Skills

Small Guns

Secondary Skills

Energy Weapons

Primary Weapon - Gatling Laser (Fast Shot) or Pulse Rifle (Small Frame)
Secondary Weapon - Alien Blaster

Perks - Awareness, Bonus Rate of Fire, Quick Pockets, Action Boy (2), Living Anatomy, Sniper, Better Criticals


Gifted and Small Frame

S-5 (10)
P-6 (7)
E-7 (7)
C-9 (8)
I-8 (9)
A-9 (10)
L-4 (6)

Tagged Skills

Melee Weapons

Secondary Skills


Primary Weapon - Super Cattle Prod or Super Sledge
Secondary Weapon - Mega Power Fist

Perks - Awareness, Bonus HtH Attacks, Quick Pockets, Action Boy (2), Living Anatomy, Slayer, Better Criticals
If you want to power game, and it seems like you do, I'd ditch Awareness for pretty much anything else since it doesn't alter stats and because of the range of damage you do with attacks, knowing an enemy's exact hit points isn't really all that useful most of the time anyway. Almost Dead, anything but a Death Claw will likely die to one more hit mid-late game unless you're unlucky, severely wounded they'll likely die in 2-3 (obviously depending on your damage output, enemy DR/DT and crit rate).

For your ranged builds with fast shot I might pick bonus ranged damage instead and focus on burst weapons since the damage is added to every shot in the burst. Not picking fast shot might also be considered gimping yourself if you're just out to build the ultimate killing machine if you're picking sniper with Luck 10, since once you get it aimed shots become kind of redundant. Sure helps throughout the game until you get sniper, though. At least for me, the aimed shots are just a way to get criticals since crits ignore DR, but I guess maybe eye and head criticals do more damage and cripple more effectively than standard shots. The difference is probably academic at that point either way.

For your close combat build I'd suggest picking unarmed over melee as Mega Power Fist is simply better than any melee weapon in the game, see this post/thread for reasoning. There's also a lot more stats on what weapon is "the best" in there if you care to read all the analysis. Like H&K CAWS is the best shotgun, not pancor jackhammer. For that build I'd also consider HtH evade (yes, it works with power fists, knuckles, even grenades and stims), Bonus Move or Toughness instead of awareness and maybe quick pockets, but quick pockets is very much down to preference, I've never used it. Moving one or two tiles for free will often let you land an extra punch each turn, it's pretty damn useful. Also, the power fists don't knock enemies back. Knock-back is nothing but annoying.

But you seem to have this covered, none of your ideas will have any trouble at all breezing through the game. Maybe the Res Project changes something that makes something I say not true, but I don't have time to check.

Edit: If you didn't know, you can "save" perks until you hit level 6 by just pressing cancel at the perk selection prompt every time you go into your char screen until you hit level 6, and choose 2. No need to pick a useless one at level 3.
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