Fallout 2 doesn't win extra life

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
After a tough fight, Counter-Strike won over Fallout 2 with Counter-Strike having 7628 votes against Fallout 2's 7490 votes in the "extra life" competition of Gamespy's Ultimate Gaming Grudge. The end match for "Azeroth" is now StarCraft vs. Diablo 2 vs. Counter-Strike.

Link: Brackets
I don't care who wins it, but I really really really really really really really really DO NOT want Diablo 2 to win this. I hate that game.
..couldnt say I feel intense love for CounterStrike either. So it rounds up to Starcraft.
well, we did well considering the fact that CS is the number one online action game (whether you like the game or not).

The voting was fun while it lasted :)
We didn't win, but it does show that there are many people out there who love Fallout. And I know this topic shouldn't be brought up again, but maybe Interplay will see the error of their ways by seeing how close this battle was.
I don't think it's going to help. Inertplay is going to see that CS has more players..... More players means more money. So if ineptplay is going to consider gamespy's result as an indicator for a good game, its going to produce a FPS game based on the fallout universe.

FOBOShit 2 is going to be the true fallout enforcer. Trust me. We should expect anything from Iply since " The press video" promoting FOBOShit.

ive been thinking and i betcha d2 didnt really cheat what i betcha happen is the bg2 fans got pissed about our beating them so they all voted on d2 to make sure we would lose!
That's possible. Nothing wrong with a bit of teamwork though :)
We lost, but its nothing terrible, or important realy. we all know how good Fallout is so that's all that matters. It's only Gamespy anyway.
Battle Royale

I don't mean to spam but...

lets get em!
56 games that didn't make it into one huge steel cage match. Poll closes on Monday at noon.

Plenty of time to fill up the garden with little fallout2 plants! We can win this. Most of the SC community is boycotting gamespy, so they are weak. Our only real competition is unreal tournament. HELP ME PWN THEM
Beat UT ? After halflife I think that game was the best FPS in the end of the 90s. Its difficult but not impossible with the appropriated gardening tool. The thing is that our old Iopus is not working. We need something new. A brand new tool capable of planting at least one plant per minute. And we know that UT has a great quantity of cheaters and mods. :?