Fallout 2 graphic update patch

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
In another piece of the storm of great modding projects going on, a couple of NMA's modders are working on a graphic update patch for Fallout 2:<blockquote>- Make different critters for each type of armour eg: Mark I and Mark II metal armour look different

- Update Item art to reflect the item eg: a hammer will look like a hamer on the ground and not a cardboard box

- Talking heads that dont talk. We could try and add a face to every character in the game, it doesnt have to be animated just a still face.</blockquote>They've released a first version, which updates the following:<blockquote>------Ground art------
The ground art for most items has been updated to look like the item in question rather than just the default
box or book.

------Interface art------
By request the IFACE.FRM file has been replaced witht the updated FO1 interface that the mutants rising mods was
going to use.

------Misc art------
The explosions have been replaced with some nicer looking and bigger explosions. New projectiels for grenades
have been added, these were taken from Fallout Tactics.</blockquote>Link: Fallout 2 graphic update patch thread on NMA
Link: Fallout 2 graphic update patch vAlpha 01
Jabberwocky said:
Make different critters for each type of armour eg: Mark I and Mark II metal armour look different
Seems like overkill to me. The similarities between Mk. 1 and Mk. 2 aren't really a problem, especially when you consider how much effort it'll take to make a new critter for each set.

Some interesting ideas as far as the rest of the mod goes, though. So long as they're well executed.
Although a bit out of topic, It'd be nice to see some more work on that patch that changed the fallout resolution. Combining it with this mod, there could be some interesting possibilities.
Stevie D said:
Jabberwocky said:
Make different critters for each type of armour eg: Mark I and Mark II metal armour look different
Seems like overkill to me. The similarities between Mk. 1 and Mk. 2 aren't really a problem, especially when you consider how much effort it'll take to make a new critter for each set.
Not exactly ;) Look at original critters - each armour is "powered" by the same animations. The same story will be here. You only need set of animations. Models and textures are the easiest part of it. So, if I create animations - making new armours will be an automatic process (little exception are death animations). In other case - you're right, making set of animation for each critter will be a suicide. Second thing - based on the same animations you can create completely new armours and a lot of new human NPCs.

Besides game really looks "different" (in positive meaning ;) ) when Combat Leather Jacket looks in the same way like on inventory picture :)

bdweller said:
Although a bit out of topic, It'd be nice to see some more work on that patch that changed the fallout resolution. Combining it with this mod, there could be some interesting possibilities.
Not resolution patch, but modern 2D engine (like FIFE) - it should gives much more possibilities (like each weapon looks different - layered sprites).
I don't see that much of progress being put in FIFE though :(

FIFE would be perfect for stupid people like me
The point of the Graphics patch is to make FO2 look a little better without changing any of the game play aspects, that being said we are trying to make it compatible with most other mods.

A lot of this work was being done by Continuum and Sirren anyway, and we thought it would be a good idea to stick it all together into a graphics patch. Of course we are still limited by the 640 x 480 resolution but as Continuum said the FIFE engine will fix that. Also interplay wont 'own' these art items so people could use them with FIFE for other games etc...

If you have any ideas let us know :)
bdweller said:
I don't see that much of progress being put in FIFE though :(
FIFE news update coming tomorrow :-)

No big release but some small sign that we're still around and working on the project. University takes almost all of my time, that's why there are no regular news updates anymore :-/