I have managed to port Fallout 2 to my mac using wineskin winery and it works pretty flawlessly however I have always felt that the 600X400 resolution was way to low so I downloaded the high res pack immediately.
however there is a big problem, when I switch to 1280x800 or anything high for that matter it starts to lag badly, it gets even worse when I switch to 32 bit colours! I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this so I can play fallout 2 WITH the high res patch without lag as the game is pretty much unplayable at this point

however there is a big problem, when I switch to 1280x800 or anything high for that matter it starts to lag badly, it gets even worse when I switch to 32 bit colours! I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this so I can play fallout 2 WITH the high res patch without lag as the game is pretty much unplayable at this point