Fallout 2 Highwayman question


First time out of the vault
I've just started playig fo2 and already got the highwayman vehicle with all the upgrades but I still wonder (sorry if it's a noob question) why on the highwayman's wiki page there is a photo at the bottom where the car has 2 large gas tanks in the back of it? Is it an upgrade I've missed, a mod or what? I can't find any info on that and I'd actually love to replace the empty exposed trunk of the car with something else. Using only killap's patch. Thanks

Also, don't know if I placed this thread correctly


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Reading comprehension: The image caption says "Early Highwayman with two large fuel tanks".

The Vault says:

Behind the scenes
“The car was originally going to be powered by fusion or fission or something nifty and nuclear (something that would allow us not to have to worry about running out of gas) and those big tanks in the back were representative of this big bulky power-source that was bolted on to the back of a '57 Chevy.

We had thought, at one starry-eyed point, that the car would be something that you could upgrade with more speed, armor, weapons, etc. and that it could be a more important part of the game—well, the engine and programmer tasking weren't up to the idea of having a moving vehicle (madness, I know ;) in the game so all of that went out the window. The power source was replaced by a much more mundane 22 cubic feet of cargo-space (more than any non-wagon vehicle in its class!).

So basically, the Highwayman's powerplant was downsized in order to meet with People's State of California emissions standards. It's often the case that a prototype car isn't exactly the same when it goes into production. ;)”— Matt Norton, Fallout Bible 8
  • The Highwayman was originally going to have two large fuel tanks in the back, possibly as a reference to Max's modified Pursuit Special from The Road Warrior.
Nukapedia says:

Behind the scenes
  • It was mentioned in the Fallout Bible that the Highwayman was originally going to have two large fuel tanks in the back. This refers to Max Rockatansky's V8 Interceptor in Mad Max 2, which is also equipped with two large fuel tanks.
thx, and are there any ways to replace the skin of the highwayman? If so, is there a library of skins? Noticed some on fonline2
You'd need modded FRM files. It's not a very straightforward process, I'm afraid. If you want to mod them yourself, this tutorial should be somewhat (the car has no animations so there should be only one frame, I think the trunk is a seperate FRM file tho) applicable. I haven't tried the tool-links, you can probably get them from the NMA download section, too.
Looks like the original FRMs can be downloaded from the NMA archive or you can extract them from the game files yourself using DatExplorer. If you really want to go through with this you'd better ask in the modding section, this is all just off the top of my head.
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