Humma Kavulaaaaaaa
I'm in my fourth F2 playthrough and noted something regarding Luck. According to the wiki and some searchs on the forum, Luck influence the critical hit chance, gambling and the actual chance on the game dice roll. But that's the catch, my previous character had 9 LK and 75% on lockpick and almost every lock I picked was succefful on the first try.
Now I have 105% in lockpick and a LK of 6 and sometimes I fail repeatedly somentimes even on medium locks.
The same happened with Outdoorsman for example, when it reached 50% with my 9 LK build I had very few bad encounters - I was able to find the bridge keeper on level 6 and that robe is damn good in the game beginning!
- but now I have 6 LK and 105% outdoorsman and still find A LOT of bad ones.
I'm in level 23 and haven't found a single one of those "hubbologists fighting some bandits/highway men" with my 6 LK build, wich provides tons of loot and money, but in my 9 LK (later 10) they were common.
So, is better to have higher Luck than a higher skill?
Also, I know this is a single player game and remembering Redding "opinions are like assholes Dan, everyone has one", but raising your stats with drugs for taking a perk isn't kinda of cheating?
I'm thinking on playing a next playthrough with the Jinxed trait for fun purposes (like we don't already have enough in the normal game, hun?
). The game's description says "The good thing is that everyone around you has more critical failures in combat, the bad thing is - so do you!".
So this means is better to play a melee build than using guns, right? I remember critically failing one time when firing a Gauss pistol and the result was losing all my ammo, it was bad!
Now I have 105% in lockpick and a LK of 6 and sometimes I fail repeatedly somentimes even on medium locks.
The same happened with Outdoorsman for example, when it reached 50% with my 9 LK build I had very few bad encounters - I was able to find the bridge keeper on level 6 and that robe is damn good in the game beginning!

I'm in level 23 and haven't found a single one of those "hubbologists fighting some bandits/highway men" with my 6 LK build, wich provides tons of loot and money, but in my 9 LK (later 10) they were common.
So, is better to have higher Luck than a higher skill?
Also, I know this is a single player game and remembering Redding "opinions are like assholes Dan, everyone has one", but raising your stats with drugs for taking a perk isn't kinda of cheating?
I'm thinking on playing a next playthrough with the Jinxed trait for fun purposes (like we don't already have enough in the normal game, hun?

So this means is better to play a melee build than using guns, right? I remember critically failing one time when firing a Gauss pistol and the result was losing all my ammo, it was bad!