Fallout 2 mod in progress


Carbon Dated and Proud
Well since news is slow nowadays I thought I'd post about a mod/campaign for Fallout 2 that is in progress, it's called Fallout 2 : Mutants Rising. It's story is like this:<blockquote>You start in the town of Elko, which is where your tribe and the Vault 13 survivors settled.

Your fathers old friend Cassidy is dying, his heart is failing, and he tells you of a man who might be able to save his life.
This man is an old vault city doctor who was experimenting with prosthetic organ replacement.

You are sent out into the wastes to find this man....</blockquote>They've posted some screenshots of the various locations and a world map where you can see how many new/old locations that will be used in this mod/campaign.

There should be more and more mods comming, since the release of the toolset. Hopefully atleast a few will get completed, so we can play them.
Sounds cool, and yea there will be more mods coming, it's not very hard to mod now a days, scripting is a little bit hard though :x
I can only assume that, in classic fallout format, this first quest is just going to drag you into a larger, more intricate one.

So, the question: once you heal Cassidy, can you bring him along for the rest of the quest? Or maybe he'll give you his old set of power armor that the Chosen One gave him?
papa_legba said:
I can only assume that, in classic fallout format, this first quest is just going to drag you into a larger, more intricate one.

So, the question: once you heal Cassidy, can you bring him along for the rest of the quest? Or maybe he'll give you his old set of power armor that the Chosen One gave him?

rest of story said:
Your journey takes you to many places until you find him and
bring him back to Elko.

He needs some parts for the Prosthetic,
so you are sent out into the wastes again.

You journey back to Vault 13 hoping to find the parts you need.

You find only some of the parts, and search the archives
for possible locations for the rest.

You find a few possible locations and go looking.

The first ones come up empty, but the last one holds a nasty surprise.

It seems that the remnants of the Masters army has
recently found something interesting at the Glow, and set up home..
They are gathering strength and numbers and must be stopped.

Don't forget those parts...

That means probably not.
you might have warned me that you were going to post about our mod here.. that would explain the dozen or so e-mails i got about it... :shock:


No you cannot take cassidy with you :( since it is set 30 years after the end of fallout 2 ( so that you can be the son / daughter of the chosen one.. ) and that would make cassidy prety old..

He is one of the tribal elders..

you do get a set of advanced power armour ( the only set in the game ), from him when you bring back the doc and the parts, and you might even find 1 set of MKII power armour along the way to the big finish..

there is some pre-game blurb as well but i havent had chance to post that yet.. it's comming..

You neglected to mention the Tutorials Odin.. :oops:

We are recruiting new team members and all aplications will be considered...
we need mappers, scripters, creative writers for the dialogues, artists for some custom signs and stuff in the game, maybe even voice actors.. if we ever get that good to include talking heads...
ColJack said:
you might have warned me that you were going to post about our mod here.. that would explain the dozen or so e-mails i got about it... :shock:

Heh, doesn't your visit counter trace referrers?

Pffft, it'd be fun helping out with writing/voice acting, but that's gonna have to wait 'till finals are over anyway.
need someone to make music for your game? if you think hard techno would fit in well, let me know... :)
Ratty said:
need someone to make music for your game? if you think hard techno would fit in well, let me know... :)

No, call Team upChuck for that. They'll also give you hard rock if you want for those action scenes!
Navyguy445 here. Thanx for the tips on music. Coljack and i aren't that far yet to put music in. We will need scripters and voice actors/actresses in the future once we get the maps built