Well since news is slow nowadays I thought I'd post about a mod/campaign for Fallout 2 that is in progress, it's called Fallout 2 : Mutants Rising. It's story is like this:<blockquote>You start in the town of Elko, which is where your tribe and the Vault 13 survivors settled.
Your fathers old friend Cassidy is dying, his heart is failing, and he tells you of a man who might be able to save his life.
This man is an old vault city doctor who was experimenting with prosthetic organ replacement.
You are sent out into the wastes to find this man....</blockquote>They've posted some screenshots of the various locations and a world map where you can see how many new/old locations that will be used in this mod/campaign.
Your fathers old friend Cassidy is dying, his heart is failing, and he tells you of a man who might be able to save his life.
This man is an old vault city doctor who was experimenting with prosthetic organ replacement.
You are sent out into the wastes to find this man....</blockquote>They've posted some screenshots of the various locations and a world map where you can see how many new/old locations that will be used in this mod/campaign.