Fallout 2 mod question.


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Has any one tried to to make the areas from Van Buren in Fallout 2?
I am only asking because I have just downloaded the Design Doc's from the Download section an I have previously downloaded all the location mods of here an I haven't seen one VB based area? Any clues as to why?
No mods have been made or are being made to my knowledge. I expect this will only happen when FIFE or one of the other new engines is finished.
Dude101 said:
I expect this will only happen when FIFE or one of the other new engines is finished.
I think I'll bind this to a key on my keyboard: FIFE will _never_ be finished but we hope to reach a status where it's at least somehow modable rather soon :-)

BTW.: There will be a new FIFE announcement in the next couple of days, prolly some time around the weekend. Stay tuned :-)
Muff said:
Is the Fife editor ready yet?
Hehe that would be great. But unfortunately our old editor coder went AWOL and we were not able to fill the position since months despite regular recruitment tries at the different forums.

So there is still no editor progress at all. But we plan to have a little contest, but I can't spoil it yet ;-)
Sirren has made one of the critters from VB the Molech. I think he will release it soon actaully :)

I've also tried to model the little robot, but just need to finish it up.

I'm sure one day all the knows critters will be made and some nice modder will make a VB from the design docs. I'm guessing that FIFE would probably be the way to go for this.
I am considering making a map from VB in F2 just to get some idea's. Although I have been thinking for the last day or so I might have a crack at VB because at the moment i am unemployed an sitting on my fat ass doing nothing other than posting on here. :)
Muff said:
I am considering making a map from VB in F2 just to get some idea's. Although I have been thinking for the last day or so I might have a crack at VB because at the moment i am unemployed an sitting on my fat ass doing nothing other than posting on here. :)

Good luck man... its a huge thing you are thinking of taking on. If you have the skills I would encourage you to join one of the other modding projects. Then again if you are just aiming to have fun ignore me.
Dude101 its more for fun really an I was thinking of just making the maps to start with an then heading off from there. I really would like to make it playable but I don't know how to do a few things like scripting which I gather are essential for building a mod of this level but I am willing (an desperate) to learn I think I could do it but I don't know if I could build a fully playable mod of this type on my own but i am more than willing to give it ago.

I am going to have to think about this more but I am definitely going to make the maps as best I can if any one has any advice for me please drop me a line.

Oh while I remember Wild_Qwerty if you do get the robot critter up an running could you send me a copy? An if any one else has done a critter or object from VB i would like to see it.
Right time to bite the bullet so to speak. I am going to do it. I am going to attempt to build a Mod to revive the VB project. It will take me some time to do an I don't know where to start but I am going do it. I have time on my hands at the moment so why not.

I know its ambitious but i want to do it an I have always believed that the best way to learn something new throw your self in at the deep end.
Hey man good luck. The amount of projects like this announced that dont happen is 99.9% maybe you will be that 0.01%.

Double posting will get you in trouble with the big bad admins btw.
I really hope so dude101, its going to a long time before i anything realisable. I will have to teach myself a who set of new skill's I am printing off the design docs as I type this so a I can have a hard copy to go to when I am not at my pc.

I have just set up a Blog about this @ http://vbrevival.blogspot.com if any one wants to help me, comment on this PM me or email me.

By the way Admins sorry for double posting won't do it again.
Cheers for the link Dude101. I am going to start small by making the smaller map's first then using custom critters ect.

By the way did you like the Blog i made the Picture in the top right in a short time (just copy an paste from the concept art gallery) an the font was from the downloads section. I am hoping to update is the moment I have news.
If you are serious about the project, don't think you are alone and have to do the whole thing. Find your niche, you know? And don't hesitate to ask help from others. Also, you don't have to start from scratch. There are so many things you can borrow from other places...that's how I work! :) You'll find that if you show that you are serious and do a significant amount of work towards a project that others will also be more likely to help out.
Mib88 thanks for the advice i was up till 4 in the morning reading the design doc's an I was only about 10 - 15% of the way through them.

I run out of Ink about half way through tank god my dad is in work today an he can print the rest off for me.
One Final thought in the design doc's for the Denver area I saw you could salvage things from the ruins well i thought it might be passable to make some of this happen by using the graves but would this result in getting the gravedigger perk or would it not?
Muff said:
One Final thought in the design doc's for the Denver area I saw you could salvage things from the ruins well i thought it might be passable to make some of this happen by using the graves but would this result in getting the gravedigger perk or would it not?

Irrelevant. The script can always be modified to not add the gravedigger perk.
A final piece of advice is to work on only one area at a time. Start off simple and finish one area from the design documents before you start working on another.
MIB88 thanks for the response, I was to looking at the other documents for more of a general feel of the project so if anything relates to another area I could plan for it right from the start.
Just finished the Cell prototype the screen shots are up on my Blog so is a description. When I do the final one i hope it has all new artwork.
mvBarracuda said:
Dude101 said:
I think I'll bind this to a key on my keyboard: FIFE will _never_ be finished but we hope to reach a status where it's at least somehow modable rather soon

So to clarify this:
1) FIFE will always be under developement in that you will will always be trying to improve it. Even after it could be considered "completed". I'm guessing that you mean this in regards to how open source software tend to always be under develepment.

2) Does "be modable" mean that modders can use it to start making a mod or does it mean that modders can make a mod and play it.

@ muff,
Start with just one map as a demo and see how it goes from there.