Fallout 2 on Windows 7


Mildly Dipped
There's probably a thread on this already somewhere, VAT this thread if neccesary.

Uh so yeah, Just installed Windows 7 (which is pretty great so far) but im having a few issues with FO2.

When I first installed it wouldn't seem to even start, but this problem has resolved itself since I have hooked up dual monitors. I tried patching and I got an error, and probably worst of all I get really fucked up graphics glitches (rainbow screen, quite similair to my vista problem only Alt+Tab wont work.

Any help is appreciated. :D and again, sorry if this thread is unnecesary.
Hopefully someone can help with my issue in Windows 7 (64b).

They game runs fine (other than fmv graphic issues that I can deal with) but I cannot run the 1.02 patch. When I try to run f2patch.exe I get this message:

The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.

Obviously there is no 64-bit version of the 1.02 patch, so I can't patch the game. Without patching to 1.02, the sfall or high res mods won't install, so.... :evil:

Anyone else run into problems patching? I've tried compatibility mode in both 98 and XP settings, and run as administrator, but always the same error message.

Millertime said:
Hopefully someone can help with my issue in Windows 7 (64b).

They game runs fine (other than fmv graphic issues that I can deal with) but I cannot run the 1.02 patch. When I try to run f2patch.exe I get this message:

The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.

Obviously there is no 64-bit version of the 1.02 patch, so I can't patch the game. Without patching to 1.02, the sfall or high res mods won't install, so.... :evil:

Anyone else run into problems patching? I've tried compatibility mode in both 98 and XP settings, and run as administrator, but always the same error message.


Compatibility mode and such won't work when its the different executable. As far as im aware, theres no 64 bit exe available for the patch so your going to have to obtain a pre patched version. All the trilogy packs and the later original releases are 1.02 anyway.
PastaMasta said:
Installed Sfall, still getting the rainbow glitch. Patches installed with no problems however.
Installing it on its own isn't going to help you if you don't set up the options to actually do anything. Read the faq that came with it; your rainbow problems come under the heading of psychedelic colour schemes.
Aphyosis said:
Millertime said:
Hopefully someone can help with my issue in Windows 7 (64b).

They game runs fine (other than fmv graphic issues that I can deal with) but I cannot run the 1.02 patch. When I try to run f2patch.exe I get this message:

The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.

Obviously there is no 64-bit version of the 1.02 patch, so I can't patch the game. Without patching to 1.02, the sfall or high res mods won't install, so.... :evil:

Anyone else run into problems patching? I've tried compatibility mode in both 98 and XP settings, and run as administrator, but always the same error message.


Compatibility mode and such won't work when its the different executable. As far as im aware, theres no 64 bit exe available for the patch so your going to have to obtain a pre patched version. All the trilogy packs and the later original releases are 1.02 anyway.

Just an update - I was able to extract the fallout.exe from the f2patch.exe and then manually place it into the game folder. Seems to work fine and sfall does not complain.
Timeslip said:
PastaMasta said:
Installed Sfall, still getting the rainbow glitch. Patches installed with no problems however.
Installing it on its own isn't going to help you if you don't set up the options to actually do anything. Read the faq that came with it; your rainbow problems come under the heading of psychedelic colour schemes.
:D Alright, it's all good. Thanks.
Windows 7 hates Fallout 2!

I recently got a new computer with Windows 7. When I installed Fallout Trilogy everything seemed fine until I tried out Fallout 2. The graphics were all screwed up with rainbow splotches and inverted colors. I tried to patch it with Sfall and then this error pops up.

You're trying to use sfall with an incompatible version of fallout.
Was expecting 'Fallout 2 v1.02 US'

fallout2.exe was an unexpected size. Expected 0x122800 but got 0x4d6

Fallout and Fallout Tactics work fine, Fallout just needed some simple compatibility options. Please assist.

I fixed fallout1 based upon:

This Mofo's Thread

However, he says "Fallout 2 is done by a similar process!"

Uh. thanks. makes great pets. yeah.

similar is so technical and explanatory.

I just want to play this game like I am fallout1. it runs perfect, i have it at 800x600 no graphical glitches. Looks best at that resolution. Steam sucks. They release it without working on windows 7. Yay.

Any complete tips and explanations? I have been reading these forums for a few days. yay.... Nay, maybe... a while? Still havent figured it out. I need to replace a file but I need a perfectly compatible version......

By the way, awesome forum, peeps!

I will have to try the unofficial fall2 patch after I go through F2 as is. looks might fly.

Yeah, the unofficial won't install either, nothing will yay.... it should just replace anyways.
I am asking how to install all things including sfall. that is my forum post question. from beginning to end on Steam, not actual disk.
hmm el_jefe_of_ny Fallout 2 works fine on Win7 with killaps patch (installs sfall) so should download it at http://killap.net/

but if fallout steam version is all compressed up (like team fortress 2) then i think there is no way to modify it :|

btw, if you ever have to choose between a steam version or a retail version of any game, choose the retail one
I just got a new PC with Windows 7. Right now, I have sfall, Killap's patch and Killap's Restoration Project installed. After troubleshooting a few things, now I'm stuck on a new hurdle: I get the "Failure initializing input devices" error. Changing backgroundMouse and backgroundKeyboard to 1 failed to solve the problem.

So, any suggestions?
El Scorcho said:
I just got a new PC with Windows 7. Right now, I have sfall, Killap's patch and Killap's Restoration Project installed. After troubleshooting a few things, now I'm stuck on a new hurdle: I get the "Failure initializing input devices" error. Changing backgroundMouse and backgroundKeyboard to 1 failed to solve the problem.

So, any suggestions?

Do you run a crossfire system?

Also, try reopening it. I get that on mine, but it usually runs without hassle on the second or third go.
Nah, I don't have a crossfire system. Tried to reopen it five times to no avail. Damn. :/

Edit: After deleting the ereg folder, it seems to work after a couple tries like you said. :)