Fallout 2 Politics- Curing Jet Addiction

Tiny Tim

Still Mildly Glowing
If i cure the miners' jet addiction in Redding, does Vault City get to annex the place?
Therefore, if i wanted NCR to annex Redding ( which i guess would be the best option for the people of redding ), would i have to leave the miners tripping to death? If so, why?
Isn't helping Kokoweef Mine expand enough? How does the NCR benefit if Redding is controlled by New Reno's Jet?

edit: i guess this thread should be in General Fallout Discussion, sorry about that
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NCR benefits by having more political power than Vault City, I guess? If you deliver the cure, they elect Doc Johnson who favours Vault City. Otherwise they elect whoever has the chip (or go bust if no one has it).

Also, according to http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Fallout_2_endings#Redding, you can get around that by murdering him after you delivered the cure or if you deliver the cure and then immediately leave and never ever return to Redding again.
Interesting. Political assasination seems less dirty than leaving the town addicted to jet for the greater good. It might be out of character for my current character though. The second option ( never returning to redding ) seems like a bug-exploit, because i don't see how the return of the chosen one would affect the story, so it's out..

Well, maybe my character conveniently never found out about the jet-antidote lol. Thanks.