Fallout 2 Restoration Project на &#1


First time out of the vault
I do not know English, because of it I write in Russian.

Я перевожу мод Restoration Project на русский язык. Перевожу я его один. Если есть у кого нибудь желание помочь мне в переводе, то пишите! Плюс ко всему нужны бета-тестеры. Я перевожу промтом, не зная английского (англ. знаю чисто внешне) и из-за этого есть корявости перевода. Вот по этой причине нужны тестеры, чтобы помогать в этой нелегкой работе. Если есть желание ппишите. На данный момент переведено все кроме диалогов и Пип-боя.

I translate fashions Restoration Project on Russian. I its translate one. If is at whom be desire to help me in transfer write! Plus to all beta testers are necessary. I translate PROMT, not knowing English (English I know purely outwardly) and because of it there is a curvature of transfer. Here for this reason testers are necessary to help with this hard work. If there is a desire write. It is at present translated all but dialogues and Pip-fight.
Basically this guy is translating the Restoriation project and would like some help. So, for Russians only, this message.

I'll still leave it up because it's a useful project, but we're not really a Russian-language forum.
At your forum the high probability to find people for the help in transfer. At this forum there are many people from Russia. And on Russian sites it is useless!
I thank for understanding!!

На вашем форуме большая вероятность найти людей для помощи в переводе. На этом форуме находится очень много людей из России. А на русских сайтах это бесполезно!
Благодарю за понимание!!
I after all do not know English, only is superficial... I Translate program PROMT. And from the help when I will not refuse.

There is a request: on what resource it is possible to lay out transfer for beta testers?

Я ведь не знаю английского, только поверхностно... Перевожу программой PROMT. А от помощи ни когда не откажусь

Есть просьба: на каком ресурсе можно выложить перевод для бета-тестеров?
Hi, I just tried PROMT, and its very good. I might start using this to do manual translations.

Team MIB barely exists at the moment, only a few core members remain, and they don't have allot of time. We had 26 odd members at our peak, half of which did no work and disappeared, the rest have slowly disappeared.

PROMT looks like a good solution, I will attempt to use it on Collymod which refuses to be translated.
Dude101 said:
Hi, I just tried PROMT, and its very good. I might start using this to do manual translations.

Team MIB barely exists at the moment, only a few core members remain, and they don't have allot of time. We had 26 odd members at our peak, half of which did no work and disappeared, the rest have slowly disappeared.

Sorry to hear that. I've have been wondering how thing where going with the translations. Any more updates ? (maybe better for a other or new topic I guess)
Oracle said:
Any more updates ? (maybe better for a other or new topic I guess)

We still have people working on stuff, there are 3 people finishing Collymod; one on V23 and V14 update; one finishing RU Megamod and a couple of other doing misc stuff. Whether any of that gets done is another question. Not allot of people want to help, so I am very grateful for what gets done.


PROMT is good but it is not good enough, I would rather proof read the most awful translation I have seen, than proof that.
Я перевожу в программе PROMT, а потом редактирую перевод по смыслу (или просто пытаюсь).
То что вы пишите в форуме тоже пытаюсь перевести по смыслу, но это получается с трудом.

I translate in program PROMT, and then I edit transfer on sense (or simply I try).
That that you write in a forum too I try to translate on sense, but it turns out hardly.

NEVER EVER use PROMT to translate ANYTHING, that requires inspiration. Period.

Никогда не используй PROMT для перевода литературных вещей. Иначе всю жизнь икать будешь :)
Я бы не переводил промтом, если бы знал английский... Если есть какой ни будь совет напиши :) А промт - это для перевода слов по отдельности, остальное я подгоняю по смыслу (то есть перевод не тупой промтовский). Хоть по-немногу, но получается переводить.

I would not translate program PROMT if knew English... If is what be council write :) And PROMT is for a translation of words separately, I adjust the rest on sense (that is transfer not stupid PROMT'овский). Though on-nemnogu, but it turns out to translate.
I will attempt to use it on Collymod which refuses to be translated.
If you remember I've gave a warning about tons of an offensive language in that mod. Do not try any of the automted translator on that. Better ask some of russian guy to make an approximate translation of those terms. In russia ideom 'translated with PROMT' is a synonim for an 'extreamly bad loclalization'. LOL :)

No offense but If your english is that bad I can imagine what kind of translation would it be. You'd better attempt to find associates in the russian-speaking forums first. PROMPT is an evil. :wink:
Без обид, но если ты настолько плохо владеешь английским, могу себе представить, каким получится перевод. Лучше б попытался сначала найти единомышленников в русскоговорящих форумах. А ПРОМПТ это -- зло. :wink:
Я не то, что вообще не знаю английского, приблизительно я понимаю о чем смысл... Я переводчик использую, как словарь для незнакомых слов... Я очень плохо понимаю построение предложений, вот в этом проблема... Плюс в добавок ко всему я перевожу только дополнение, все что было старое - лицензионный перевод!

I not that at all do not know English, approximately I understand about what sense... I the translator use, as the dictionary for unfamiliar words... I very badly understand construction of offers, here in it a problem... Plus in additives to all I translate only addition, all that was old - licence transfer!
Alchemist said:
I will attempt to use it on Collymod which refuses to be translated.
If you remember I've gave a warning about tons of an offensive language in that mod. Do not try any of the automted translator on that. Better ask some of russian guy to make an approximate translation of those terms. In russia ideom 'translated with PROMT' is a synonim for an 'extreamly bad loclalization'. LOL :)

Over half of it has been translated, I think a few members quit over this text :evil: only a few texts have bad translation place holders. The mod can be disabled until we have the full text, MIB88 may not be able to work the mod in later, as he may not have the time.
Ok, we may have two people available to start on this. One new person just signed up and another very reliable translator Alecs, may be available.

Have you made a start on this? is anyone else working on it? have you devided up the files? i.e. cut any old text out and left only new? have you gone through Akkella's EPA translation yet?
Да, я беру перевод не Акеллы, а Фаргуса, а потом дополняю их перевод новыми фразами и т.п. из патча. На данном этапе переведено все, кроме диалогов. Диалогов переведено примерно 10 (а их 650!). Еще не маленькая работа предстоит.

Из первой фразы я понял, что есть человек (люди), желающий (желающие) помочь?

Yes, I take transfer not Akella, and a Fargus, and then I supplement their transfer by new phrases, etc. from a patch. At the given stage everything is translated, except dialogues. Dialogues it is translated approximately 10 (and them 650!). Yet small work is necessary.

From the first phrase I have understood, what there is a person (people), the interested person (interested persons) to help?
LSD666 said:
From the first phrase I have understood, what there is a person (people), the interested person (interested persons) to help?

Yes maybe, PM me your email and we can continue our badly translated conversation in private :lol: two people may be available to help.