Changing variables around with F2se can be very hazardous for your game unless you have a very clear idea what each variable does and how it interacts with others. Sorry if this seems like overkill, but I wanted to be certain about your situation. Is this correct:
--You asked Marcus to join your party before completing any quests in Broken Hills, and now you don't have the option to talk to him to get credit for finishing the quests.
or this:
--You solved some quests in Broken Hills, then asked Marcus to join your party, and either the remaining unfinished quests are broke or you finished everything later but now can't talk to Marcus to get credit;
or this:
--You solved the Chad/caravans quests and told Marcus about it; now you can't talk to him about the anti-mutant conspiracy. At some point in there you also had him join your party and can't talk to him about the missing people to get credit for solving that.
or this:
You had Marcus join your party, and can't get the quests from him in the first place.
If you're able to do any scripting, I posted some fixes for everything wrong with Marcus (as far as I know) a few pages back; you could edit his script with those, but in order for it to work you'd have to go back and work from a save game before you entered Broken Hills for the first time. This (or waiting a few weeks for killap's big fix package) is the best option. However, depending on what particularly happened with Marcus it may be possible to use F2se to reset some things (or it may not be possible without breaking other parts of the game).
I'm at a point where I'm starting to roam the map solving a quest here and there rather than staying in one town until everything there is done. I played completely through Redding, NCR, Vault 15, went to Vault 13, and did the Slaver Camp and the Primitive Tribe stuff. While playing I encountered the following issues:
--In Redding, there's no script attached to the gate of the brahmin pen north of Painless Doc Johnson's house. I tried to see if I could lock it because I was tired of my npcs running in there and leaving the gate open (which means the cows will eventually spread all over town), but the locking attempt crashed the game.
--There are still some problems with caravans:
a) After doing the Redding to Vault City caravan with Wade and arriving in Vault City, when leaving Vault City the world map display is initially centered on Redding.
b) In Ben Wade's script, the content of nodes 006 and 007 are switched around, possibly resulting in a bug if the caravan takes heavy losses. Other than that, the Ben Wade caravan seems to be working fine in both directions.
b) After doing the (quest) brahmin drive from NCR to Redding with Hal and arriving in Redding, when leaving Redding the world map display is initially centered on NCR. The good news is other than this small problem the "Complete the Brahmin Drive" quest with Hal worked perfectly for me (I even reloaded and tried it a second time).
c) The Stanwell caravan seems to work fine going from Redding to NCR, but is broken while going from NCR to Redding. I tried it several times and it consistently broke in the same way each time. Assuming the caravan run will have more than one encounter, the initial encounter on the way from NCR to Redding goes fine, and then the second one breaks the run. What happens is:
---Stanwell and the guards are gone/nowhere in sight;
---There is a female caravan master called "Grand Master Trader" with several guards in leather armor and a cart. The guards have a float text if clicked on, but the woman is unresponsive; she has neither a dialogue screen nor a float text.
---Other than the pc and party and the Grand Master Trader and her caravan, no one else (encounters or enemies) is on the map.
---There's nothing to do but leave the map, which results in a repeat of this scenario for as many encounters were scheduled; at the end of the run the player and party materialize in Redding with no caravan folks around or in the tents (i.e. no Stanwell, no Stanwell's backup guy) and no way to get paid.
--In scbuster.msg:
{109}{}{I've got some questions}
{115}{}{Tell me about NCR}
all need a punctuation mark/period.
--At the Vortis Slave Center, the guy in metal armor (slave overseer) is now in Vortis' bedroom. That seems like it would have to be an intentional change, but I can't really figure out what the reason for such a change would be. Since Vortis threatens the pc if an attempt is made to open the bedroom door, it seems like all that's been done is to prevent the player from chatting with the slave overseer guy (who does have a few useful bits of information to share).
--When the slave overseer guy (mentioned above) is killed while attacking Vortis and crew to free the slaves, the player loses karma.
--In the NCR police station, some "wanted" posters were placed as scenery (or at least, they don't have a script attached). The description for these posters is unnecessarily alarming, however (from pro_scen.msg):
{122800}{}{Wanted Sign}
{122801}{}{The picture on this sign looks oddly like you!}
I was very troubled to see this (as I'm playing a "good guy" character) and spent about fifteen minutes trying to see if there was a bug involved that had set my character as a wanted person. To avoid confusion, the description should probably be changed to something like:
{122800}{}{Wanted Sign}
{122801}{}{A sketched portrait of a fugitive wanted by the local authorities.}
--More game breaking maps (for those like me who don't want to use the hi-res mod):
---Scroll blocker issues prevent accessing the exit grid: rndholy2, liberty;
---Serious scroll blocker issues that can be played through with great difficulty: tribe02 level 2 (inside the cave). In fact the placement of scroll blockers is frankly bizarre here (hi-res or no) and it's very hard to understand what whoever did the scroll blockers for this particular level may have been thinking;
---Completely unusable, can't even be opened in mapper: hubologist2;
The rndholy2 map also doesn't have any blue exit grid markers on the exit grids of either level, meaning the exit grid doesn't show up on the ingame PibBoy map.
--Perhaps not a bug, but around Klamath/Arroyo I got a random encounter called "Holy Men." There were four holy men who were immediately hostile and attacked me. I guess I won't be joining their religion, whatever it is.
--I stopped by Klamath again. After killing the Dunton Brothers, I was finally able to resolve the Torr/brahmin rustling quest with Ardin. There must be a subpath in that quest somewhere that's not working.
--In the Den, one of Metzger's men has a 10mm pistol loaded with AP ammo. This ammo doesn't stack with other 10mm AP ammo.
--After rescuing Sulik's sister from the Slaver Camp and being transported to the Primitive Tribe, when leaving the Primitive Tribe for the first time the world map view is centered on the Slaver Camp.
--After helping the Primitive Tribe shaman with the ghost, he said he gave me some healing powder as a reward but no healing powder appeared in my inventory;
--On the town overview screen for the Primitive Tribe, the woodland area is displayed as northwest of the tribal village; however in the game maps the placement of the exit grids lead one to believe the woodland area is southeast of the tribal village.
--Hah, Krom is a pretty cool character and nicely written. Obviously no other commentators have played him yet with a female Chosen One or there would be many more comments about him.

However after asking him about where he came from, the pc's response lines are:
a) Alright, thanks. Could I ask you something else? (= ask about something else)
b) Alright, thanks. Could I ask you something else? (= end dialogue)
[spoiler:dbb90c54e5]--This probably belongs in the suggestion thread rather than the bug thread, but the transaction with Krom and Roy needs to take some other factors into consideration. Without looking at the script I presume I wasn't able to get a better outcome because my character's PER is 7, but I have a doctor skill of 95 and a science skill of 125--surely I should not have been duped with skills that high (yes, I examined the stimpacks several times).
Also the stipulated number of stimpacks Roy is offering should be changed as he seems like the foolish one in the scenario; with average barter skills twenty golden gecko skins are in fact probably only worth 2500-3000 bucks, while 50 stimpacks are likely to be valued at well over 12,000 dollars. Roy should probably be asking for at least 100 golden gecko skins or else only be offering 10 or fewer stimpacks.[/spoiler:dbb90c54e5]
--There are two "subprotos" of firewood in the woodland area that stack amongst themselves but not with the other "subproto";
--Vanilla FO2 issue: NCR Rangers met in random encounters are all named "Ezekiel," regardless of whether they are male or female. There's a fix for this in MIB88's Megamod which would be a considerable improvement.
--Goris has been in my party for some time, but I've never been able to have the dialogue line
{206}{}{You're a Deathclaw? Is there a reason you didn't mention this to me?}
--Sandy, the kid in Vault 13, is a girl. Yet she uses a little boy sprite.
--Something in the Slaver camp and Primitive Tribe maps was playing havoc with the functioning of the game, although I'm not sure what the problem could possibly be. I noticed two problems:
a) Some characters were not finishing their animation cycles; for example they would walk, and when they stopped they were still midway in the cycle (with a leg raised, etc)--this particularly afflicted npcs wearing combat armor;
b) Randomly something was interfering with temporary variables in some scripts; for example a few of my npc followers had "error" lines in their dialogue while on the Primitive Tribe map;
c) Both of these problems were first seen when I entered the Slaver Camp, and went away (not seen again) after I left the Primitive Tribe area; it's all very strange and I've never seen anything like it before.
--In general I continue to enjoy the look of the updated maps, but had a problem on the first level of Vault 15; there are too many animations running at once here (probably the monitors, especially when the force field is on), with the result that no one but the player-character was moving during combat.