killap said:
So I've only ever seen this bug when I plant an explosive on a critter and then leave the map. You're saying this can happen by just placing an explosive on the map and then exiting it? And even worse, just planting an explosive and waiting for it to go off? If that's that case, why are there not hundreds of reports of crashes in the Temple of Trials?
Someone has to die, that's why!
Sorry, I should have mentioned that.
That's the biggest problem with my code, It can't can't tell if someone dies or not, so non-assassination use of explosives can get the start/stop combat treatment unnecessarily. But in the case of Temple of Trials, you are pretty much guaranteed to have been in combat before planting the explosives, so the code won't do the start/stop combat as it's not needed.
In theory you could add a start/stop combat function on map-enter and the explosives bug will never happen, but that would be rather annoying.
If it would be possible to check if someone dies it would be great, but I don't know how to. Then again, maybe it's already too late to run the code then.
Could always remove the part of code that checks for explosives on the ground, but then your not 100% protected from the bug.
killap said:
Also, in the case of the crash bug a few posts back, I was able to prevent the crash by entering combat right after planting the explosive, not by start/exit combat after arriving at my new map.
Not sure I understand what you are saying here, and I couldn't figure out how to download that save game (Russian page).
Was the save game before or after the explosives had been planted?
I mean entering combat before or after planting an explosive don't matter, as long as it has not detonated yet. Both will prevent a crash.
When you leave a map where you have planted a bomb, it goes off and if someone dies because of it, the game will crash when you return to the map you came from. But if you enter combat mode before returning to the map it will not crash.
You have to enter combat on the map you arrived to, you can't go to a third map and enter combat there as that will not have any effect.
Basically, if you plant an explosive and leave the map, the game adds some data about the explosion to the map you arrive to. Maybe a timer event, not sure. Something that can only be cleared from that map though, by entering combat.
I'm guessing that data only causes a crash on the map the explosives were used, because only there is it linked to some kind of action.
holder80 said:
Hi. I Found a small bug in a quest from NCR (forgot the name of the quest) that you take caravan to Redding and then few scripted attacks happens. When I win, I leave the map and then suddenly reappear in the exact same map with the dead bodies from the previous battle.
It comes from saving your game while on the caravan map. When you leave the map and have encounters left, you are returned to the same map you just left (it will be in the state it was when you saved it, so if the critters where dead, they'll still be, otherwise they'll be alive). It's also true that the game can crash when you try to load a game after this has happened.
Just load your savegame right after you have saved it and it should work properly.
It can be fixed but requires a shitload of script editing, so not sure if it's wort it.
Also, I reported the lighter issue 2 pages back.