Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

I have one thing that has been bothering me, it`s the fact that Lynette makes you a citizen if you blow up the gecko powerplant. I thought that it was a good thing before when she was a bitch and pretty much lied to the player. It was a nice narrative move in my opinion because a lot of the times when people play videogames, they do what they are told. In the case that when Lynette gets angry if player destroyed the poweplant, and she refuses to help when the powerplant needs repairs, it was good storytelling. Because lets face it, most of the people from Vault-City dont like outsiders very much, so Lynette can get the neighbour town gecko destroyed, and she does not need to jeopardise her position when she gets a outsider to do it by just implying that it needs to be destroyed and saying that she will make the player a citizen of Vault-City, a promise she has no intention of keeping.

So yeah, that has been bothering me a bit.
Travesty said:
I have one thing that has been bothering me, it`s the fact that Lynette makes you a citizen if you blow up the gecko powerplant. I thought that it was a good thing before when she was a bitch and pretty much lied to the player. It was a nice narrative move in my opinion because a lot of the times when people play videogames, they do what they are told. In the case that when Lynette gets angry if player destroyed the poweplant, and she refuses to help when the powerplant needs repairs, it was good storytelling. Because lets face it, most of the people from Vault-City dont like outsiders very much, so Lynette can get the neighbour town gecko destroyed, and she does not need to jeopardise her position when she gets a outsider to do it by just implying that it needs to be destroyed and saying that she will make the player a citizen of Vault-City, a promise she has no intention of keeping.

So yeah, that has been bothering me a bit.

I second this that´s one of the points i wanted to write down
Josan12 said:
.. Plus i guess having smokes in their inventory.
Well, they will need lighter too.
Saying this, i've noticed small issue in RP 2.0: with more than one lighter in the inventory, dude can't smoke cigarettes. If he has exactly one lighter in his pocket, everything works fine.
In real life you´re not often had more than one lighter in your inventory but in Fallout probably eight or nine.. :mrgreen:


I would really appreciate if you take a look a little bid backwards at these pages... please.. :notworthy:
You know what would be really fun? What if the verti assault team that comes to attack you if you piss off the enclave guy at the nuclear power plant decides to attack GECKO itself, and you and around 15 other ghouls with shotguns and assault rifles have to fend off 3-5 Enclave fighters in Power Armor? And the Vertibird and other high-tech weapons that the ghouls get after winning the battle would tip the balance in favor of GECKO showing Vault City that they can defend themselves?

Or, Vault City could station a VC assault team outside the besieged GECKO town and ask the Chosen One if (s)he would like to help them in (either stealth, killing, talking) saving the ghouls, but only if it would mean Vault City would gain control of the power plant and shut it down.

Or any number of other things could be done with this scenerio.... Take your pick. Just some ideas....
About Lynette granting you citizenship for blowing up the power plant, I don't like it much either, but for a different reason. She really does not want you to do that as it harms Vault City too, and if you tell her you blew it up she will have you thrown out of the place. I think the criteria for Lynette to make you a citizen should be that you have to kill all the ghouls in Gecko instead (or at least enough of them to not be able to sustain the town). That would make much more sense and be more in character with the game.
Well, I only fixed a bug with Lynette and granting citizenship, I didn't add anything. If you blow up the plant and directly tell her this, she will freak out and tell you to leave. However, if you blow up the plant and basically tell her you "took care" of the situation, then she will be happy and grant you citizenship. Perhaps she assumes you killed ghouls, etc.
Yeah I know. Was just thinking how I would have preferred it.
That she will grant you citizenship based only on your word feels wrong. And she would know real fast if the plant had blown up anyway, so you probably wouldn't be welcome in Vault City for long.
But it is what it is I suppose...
killap said:
Well, I only fixed a bug with Lynette and granting citizenship, I didn't add anything. If you blow up the plant and directly tell her this, she will freak out and tell you to leave. However, if you blow up the plant and basically tell her you "took care" of the situation, then she will be happy and grant you citizenship. Perhaps she assumes you killed ghouls, etc.

Oh okay, I did not know it had a bug like that. I thought that it was meant by the original developers so that she would freak out and kick the player charecter out no matter what they did.
After reading all the history surrounding the submarine, I realized that you never encounter any Shi outside Chinatown. They clearly had an exploration phase and they are certainly interested in still obtaining outside technology. Was there a particular reason or is it just an oversight that no Shi are found in random encounters around SF? Given their enmity with the Hubologists and even among themselves (e.g. the two kung fu schools), you ought to be able to encounter Shi and Shi fighting others around SF.
I have a little suggestion for RP, remove the 10k reward from the vault village quest.

Assault rifles and shotguns are way too easy to find/buy, getting 10,000$ (especially from a village who uses molerats as defences) is just unreal.

Also... Helping the villagers and mole rats to kill a few Vault City guards would be a nice plus... But that's probably too much...
You can always deny the 10000$ and take 5000 instead plus some Karma points... :D

But you´re right i second this..
smilodom said:
You can always deny the 10000$ and take 5000 instead plus some Karma points... :D

But you´re right i second this..
I support changing this as well.

2k and 1k seem reasonable.
lucas. said:
I have a little suggestion for RP, remove the 10k reward from the vault village quest.

Assault rifles and shotguns are way too easy to find/buy, getting 10,000$ (especially from a village who uses molerats as defences) is just unreal.

I agree. That never really sat well with me either.
Yeah, I'm not sure why I set it that high initially.


Well, I don't know if I'll go for 2k/1k. I want to make the amount of money given close to the value of the guns, since you're supposed to "buy" them. If we go by the prices on the Fallout wiki, then the guns should total to 6k. So, the amount should be 6k/3k. We can lower it further and say 5k/2.5k.
killap said:
Yeah, I'm not sure why I set it that high initially.


Well, I don't know if I'll go for 2k/1k. I want to make the amount of money given close to the value of the guns, since you're supposed to "buy" them. If we go by the prices on the Fallout wiki, then the guns should total to 6k. So, the amount should be 6k/3k. We can lower it further and say 5k/2.5k.

That sounds like a reasonable solution to me. Just make sure all the dialogue is altered accordingly.
Also... Thank/Damn you for the mad brahmin encounter... XD

I got the encounter with the truck full of alien stuff, then I travelled a few more blocks and got those mad brahmin... >.>