Edit 6 (in progress)
Hello pro modders. For a while now I have been trying to properly edit killap's fantastic restoration project (both version 1.2 and 2.0) to fit a bit more with the info I managed to read/get from different sources regarding the EPA.
Remember how Myron says he knows of a large secret building etc. etc. once you want to leave him?
Now did you notice the part of his text that mentions "lot's of strange vegetation"? I was thinking about it and asked myself what could be considered to be "strange vegetation" to a guy who doesn't get out much? Or actually almost everyone in the entire wasteland? Plus the word "lot's" how much is lot's? 5? Nah... 10? No probably a lot more. I also remembered that I heard this area was supposed to be jungle.
Carnivorous Jungle
The player has to navigate a jungle filled with Venus Mantraps. This isn't as much an adventure seed as a combat-based necessity in order to enter the EPA in the first place.
Yet we have no trees in the game that could make that place in to one... (a jungle that is) so what's the closest thing to a jungle? Or what could I safely assume could have been implemented by the original creators in that place?
Answer - a forest of course. So I took the map in my hands and started editing it.
Problems still remaining since last edit:
Scroll Blockers - Even though I place them half way before the edge I want to create I still scroll past them, the same thing happens after I posh them together further and further. It's the only thing currently missing on my version of the EPA except for the scripts (might work once I start the game normally, but that's just a speculation)
Here are some recent screenshots (remember this is just an alternative map which is supposed bring this area closer to Myron's description and EPA design documents, most of this was made thanks to mr. killap AKA Bear Dude and his group which is working on the RP, oh and do not worry about the planned Vault Looks of this Area it's just underneath the Elevator Shaft level):
First I wanted to show you a few general screenshots which show the overall look of the map. It has all of the things included in the design document along with something extra which I'll mention later.
Be sure to notice the exit grid which leads out of the parking lot and in to The Lake (I'm still not happy with the way The Lake map looks so I'll show it to you all later when I'm fully satisfied with it).
Now let's get a more detailed view so that I can describe each area:
There are 3 entrenches now. 2 of them are on the map above. The first one is an entrance to the ventilation control room. It's in the little building and access is gained via a ladder. In my vision the door would need about 55% lockpick skill and a electronic lockpick to open it.
The other one is the standard entrance via the Air Vent if you just happen to lack a rope.
Here's the 3rd entrance:
The Elevator is both on lock-down and it's door is broken. To get the damaged terminal working again you need a repair skill of at least 70 and in order to get the forcefield around it down you need to use the mainframe:
With a science of 100 you should be able to hack it and do 2 things with it - shut down the 2 plasma turrets at the entrance and shut down the force fields on this level (there are 2 of them). Yet even by doing this you'll still want to visit the vent shaft, trust me. It's worth it.
Of course there are also 2 way of approaching the base itself. There's the main entrance and the door in the fence guarded by a few dogs and plants (low/mid/high level characters can benefit from this area in different ways).
Here's where the main elevator entrance will take you after being fixed:
Look at all the holo projectors. After all the holograms where supposed to be used to help out with tours.
I tried to be as detailed as possible, but let's go see the vent now:
Above are shown the spots where you arrive - ladder or rope.
As you see this has been re-made almost completely since the last time. It has spore plants in the water filtration/purification room (that's how I called it, perhaps it could use a change... any suggestions?), Mantises around the water tank making their nest, And near the vet exit there's a nest with Radscorpions who are hungry... very hungry! And won't let you get threw that vent without a fight. However there's also another way inside. One which involves less combat. Everyone meet Bill!
Bill used to be a janitor at the EPA. He survived the bombing deep down, in the vent on his own for many years, but after a long, long time of being all alone he went a little crazy and trigger happy after a few beer's and accidentally shot himself. Poor Ol Billy.
Luckily for you Bill left a lot of goodies in his little room, including a a few log entries of a few important events at the EPA (I'm still writing them + I need scripting help... seriously...) and of course a ladder which will lead you threw a series of even smaller ventilation shafts, safely to this room:
Of course getting in to Bill's room is not as easy as it looks. You'd need a set of electronic lockpicks and about 30% lockpicking. Yet it's the safest way inside.
Otherwise you'll be forced to go threw the Vent in the Scorpion room, which brings you awfully close to 2 auto turrets that will be very happy to finally get some target practice.
These turrets can be deactivated via a terminal in this small security room:
Of course each floor has a little security room of it's own, but there's only 1 main at level Red.
Of course on the Elevator Shaft level (no not vent) you'll have 2 other elevators that will get you even deeper in to the EPA.
The elevator shown above will bring you to level 1, 2, 3 - Orange, Yellow and Green.
And this one on the other hand (also above) will get you to level 1, 2, 3 - Red, violet, Indigo
On level indigo how ever there will be a separate well guarded elevator that will get you deep, deep down to level 4 - Blue. When you'll get to meet a few frozen friends (you'll get to take only one of them with you as previously planned).
So I need someone to help me with both scroll blockers and the scripts for the things I mentioned. Also:
As a little bonus I wanted come up with a story behind the creation of "The Lake" and so I came up with this:
Right behind the main building you have an underground chemical/radioactive waste storage. A radiated hot stop (don't go down here without some Rad-x and a Gas Mask or else you won't need a light to take a midnight piss!). It shows what happened that caused the lake to appear. A gigantic collapsed underground storage area - barrel upon barrel, upon barrel of all kinds of waste which leaked out in to a nearby small lake after most of the tunnels collapsed - probably because of the bombing/slight tectonic movements which caused the main storage areas to collapse or some similar accident.
Does it make sense? (Oh and I'll need help with scripts for that mining elevator too + those computers below - perhaps to add some logs or status or something to add depth).
If you want to see or help test/improve the map just place it inside your:
And override my map with the current one (be sure to save the old map elsewhere if you still want to keep paling, when you check mine you can simply override my map with the other one)
Here are the new download links:
Hello pro modders. For a while now I have been trying to properly edit killap's fantastic restoration project (both version 1.2 and 2.0) to fit a bit more with the info I managed to read/get from different sources regarding the EPA.
Remember how Myron says he knows of a large secret building etc. etc. once you want to leave him?
Now did you notice the part of his text that mentions "lot's of strange vegetation"? I was thinking about it and asked myself what could be considered to be "strange vegetation" to a guy who doesn't get out much? Or actually almost everyone in the entire wasteland? Plus the word "lot's" how much is lot's? 5? Nah... 10? No probably a lot more. I also remembered that I heard this area was supposed to be jungle.
Carnivorous Jungle
The player has to navigate a jungle filled with Venus Mantraps. This isn't as much an adventure seed as a combat-based necessity in order to enter the EPA in the first place.
Yet we have no trees in the game that could make that place in to one... (a jungle that is) so what's the closest thing to a jungle? Or what could I safely assume could have been implemented by the original creators in that place?
Answer - a forest of course. So I took the map in my hands and started editing it.
Problems still remaining since last edit:
Scroll Blockers - Even though I place them half way before the edge I want to create I still scroll past them, the same thing happens after I posh them together further and further. It's the only thing currently missing on my version of the EPA except for the scripts (might work once I start the game normally, but that's just a speculation)
Here are some recent screenshots (remember this is just an alternative map which is supposed bring this area closer to Myron's description and EPA design documents, most of this was made thanks to mr. killap AKA Bear Dude and his group which is working on the RP, oh and do not worry about the planned Vault Looks of this Area it's just underneath the Elevator Shaft level):
First I wanted to show you a few general screenshots which show the overall look of the map. It has all of the things included in the design document along with something extra which I'll mention later.

Be sure to notice the exit grid which leads out of the parking lot and in to The Lake (I'm still not happy with the way The Lake map looks so I'll show it to you all later when I'm fully satisfied with it).
Now let's get a more detailed view so that I can describe each area:

There are 3 entrenches now. 2 of them are on the map above. The first one is an entrance to the ventilation control room. It's in the little building and access is gained via a ladder. In my vision the door would need about 55% lockpick skill and a electronic lockpick to open it.
The other one is the standard entrance via the Air Vent if you just happen to lack a rope.
Here's the 3rd entrance:

The Elevator is both on lock-down and it's door is broken. To get the damaged terminal working again you need a repair skill of at least 70 and in order to get the forcefield around it down you need to use the mainframe:

With a science of 100 you should be able to hack it and do 2 things with it - shut down the 2 plasma turrets at the entrance and shut down the force fields on this level (there are 2 of them). Yet even by doing this you'll still want to visit the vent shaft, trust me. It's worth it.
Of course there are also 2 way of approaching the base itself. There's the main entrance and the door in the fence guarded by a few dogs and plants (low/mid/high level characters can benefit from this area in different ways).
Here's where the main elevator entrance will take you after being fixed:

Look at all the holo projectors. After all the holograms where supposed to be used to help out with tours.
I tried to be as detailed as possible, but let's go see the vent now:

Above are shown the spots where you arrive - ladder or rope.

As you see this has been re-made almost completely since the last time. It has spore plants in the water filtration/purification room (that's how I called it, perhaps it could use a change... any suggestions?), Mantises around the water tank making their nest, And near the vet exit there's a nest with Radscorpions who are hungry... very hungry! And won't let you get threw that vent without a fight. However there's also another way inside. One which involves less combat. Everyone meet Bill!

Bill used to be a janitor at the EPA. He survived the bombing deep down, in the vent on his own for many years, but after a long, long time of being all alone he went a little crazy and trigger happy after a few beer's and accidentally shot himself. Poor Ol Billy.
Luckily for you Bill left a lot of goodies in his little room, including a a few log entries of a few important events at the EPA (I'm still writing them + I need scripting help... seriously...) and of course a ladder which will lead you threw a series of even smaller ventilation shafts, safely to this room:

Of course getting in to Bill's room is not as easy as it looks. You'd need a set of electronic lockpicks and about 30% lockpicking. Yet it's the safest way inside.
Otherwise you'll be forced to go threw the Vent in the Scorpion room, which brings you awfully close to 2 auto turrets that will be very happy to finally get some target practice.

These turrets can be deactivated via a terminal in this small security room:

Of course each floor has a little security room of it's own, but there's only 1 main at level Red.
Of course on the Elevator Shaft level (no not vent) you'll have 2 other elevators that will get you even deeper in to the EPA.

The elevator shown above will bring you to level 1, 2, 3 - Orange, Yellow and Green.

And this one on the other hand (also above) will get you to level 1, 2, 3 - Red, violet, Indigo
On level indigo how ever there will be a separate well guarded elevator that will get you deep, deep down to level 4 - Blue. When you'll get to meet a few frozen friends (you'll get to take only one of them with you as previously planned).
So I need someone to help me with both scroll blockers and the scripts for the things I mentioned. Also:
As a little bonus I wanted come up with a story behind the creation of "The Lake" and so I came up with this:

Right behind the main building you have an underground chemical/radioactive waste storage. A radiated hot stop (don't go down here without some Rad-x and a Gas Mask or else you won't need a light to take a midnight piss!). It shows what happened that caused the lake to appear. A gigantic collapsed underground storage area - barrel upon barrel, upon barrel of all kinds of waste which leaked out in to a nearby small lake after most of the tunnels collapsed - probably because of the bombing/slight tectonic movements which caused the main storage areas to collapse or some similar accident.

Does it make sense? (Oh and I'll need help with scripts for that mining elevator too + those computers below - perhaps to add some logs or status or something to add depth).
If you want to see or help test/improve the map just place it inside your:
And override my map with the current one (be sure to save the old map elsewhere if you still want to keep paling, when you check mine you can simply override my map with the other one)
Here are the new download links: