Fallout 2 street wars


First time out of the vault

Topic is pretty inaccurate, but just wanted to discuss the way of playing I like the most. With street wars I mean getting two(or more) parties to fight each other in FO2 cities, like in

  • New Reno(the best)
Preparations: Plant Yakuza blades to prostitutes, smgs and ammo to pimps. Lay down some 10mm and .45 ammo here and there. Even chems if you want. Try to steal knives from the mob(Mordino/Bishop family) members, so they won't change from using smgs to melee. Plant some ammo if you want. You can use alcohol to mob members as well to lower their perception.
At nighttime, behind pimp/prostitute, shoot a bouncer with a weak gun. He will burst you with a tommy gun and probably will hit the pimp/prostitute. Then jet-pumped prostitutes will be attacking mob members with katanas and some of them will be retaliating with smg's leading to total massacre. Some of the mobs are still running after you, so you can run behind Salvatore dudes, and with accidental hit, they will be fighting with bishops as well. Also boxers and corsican bros can be tried to get into fight :)
  • Den west
Attack Laras gang and run to Beckys Casino, hide behind her guards, Lara's gang will accidentaly hit the guards, who will start to kill Lara's gang.
  • Den east
Try to make Tyler's gang to fight with Mezger's team, and also patrons at mom's.
  • NCR, outskirts
Try to make slavers to hit the guards at the weapon shop tent. They'll have bozars and will slaughter slavers in no time :)
  • NCR, middle city
Try to make rangers fight the city guards :)

To prevent your NPCs joining the fight you can lock them to a room of your choice on the same map.
Taking a psycho is great to handle damage that you will get. Jinxed trait is great to get critical failures to get your attacker hit a unintentional target. Sometimes when you hide from guys that is targeting you in a place they cannot get long enough, they will start targeting someone closer :)

Anyone else did this, "Street wars" thingy?