Fallout 2 - well, this sounds like a crock...


First time out of the vault
Saw this on the Fallout wiki and it promptly made me think "wtf?";

If you walk unarmed past the guards and Enclave soldiers, you can inspect the Vertibird they landed in. You will have the chance to slip inside. If you do this, you are transported to their base, and you may be attacked or taken to the Commander.

**This is the last Salvatore quest, by the way.

I've never seen this before. I loaded up my current game and tried it, but I didn't see how this was possible... but maybe I'm too far gone now? I'm level 23 and just got around to doing the Reno quests, and I've already been to Navarro once, so if it is possible, maybe I already ruined my chance. Ultimately, all I could do was look at the Vertibird, run around the area, etc etc... and then I got bored and killed everything at the scene (free Vertibird anyone?).

Anyway, it kinda sounded like bull to me (and I felt pretty dumb for never even trying it out of the dozens of Fallout 2 games I've played over the years), but I've been wrong before...
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I know that it's possible in Killap's Fallout 2 Restoration Project mod, but it's been so long since I played F2 without the RP installed that I can't honestly remember whether it's possible in the vanilla game. If the opportunity does exist in vanilla F2, I, like you, never found it once in the +/- 10 years I was playing the game unmodded.
I know that it's possible in Killap's Fallout 2 Restoration Project mod, but it's been so long since I played F2 without the RP installed that I can't honestly remember whether it's possible in the vanilla game. If the opportunity does exist in vanilla F2, I, like you, never found it once in the +/- 10 years I was playing the game unmodded.

That's probably it. After they tell everyone to meet back at the base, everything (scripts) just stops, and you can't even interact with the two enclave and two Salvatore guards; they just sit there and don't do anything (it gives a notice that "this is not a good time for conversation" or some such).

Speaking of things I've never done; this was the first game that I did everything for Bishop. I never did get to the quest to kill Carlson, usually stopping at Westin, if I even did it at all. It was kinda cool seeing that fenced off area in NCR for the first time.

That's another reason why you shouldn't use that pathetic Nukapedia.

Is there a better one to use? I've always used that one, and except for a few errors here and there, for the most part it's pretty useful. I also noticed that it said I could kill Westin by "giving a kid outside a gun", which is how you whack Wright, so it's not 100% right... maybe 90% from what I noticed. The pop up ad's are definitely annoying, though.
There's also The Vault, the original Fallout wiki (by most rubrics). There's been some confusion between the two because Nukapedia occupies The Vault's old URL. They share an interconnected origin and, for the most part, the first Vault wiki's knowledgebase. Long story.

At any rate, could we not slag off on Nukapedia out of nowhere, please? I know the history, but that sort of cross-site trolling just leads to schismatic bullshit headaches no one needs. Discussing preference, accuracy, or style is fine, but try to leave the excessively colorful adjectives in their holsters.
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What exactly happened between The Vault and Nukapedia?
Entire wikia company was too much focusing on social stuff for months, not improving features to help develop the main objective of wiki.... all admins decided to change "host" again, (well, all with one exception) and then they went to Curse. However, wikia administration didn't allowed to "stop" the wiki and some guys, who are prasising mainly social stuff are now leading Nukapedia, while Curse is best source for information. (just compare overall articles like Enclave/BoS etc and more more) In old times a lot of wiki(s?) did something similiar, and each time wikia kept old site, even if semi-dead.
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Its cut from the game. If you get killaps restoration mod I'm pretty sure you can do that.