Fallout 2: What now?


First time out of the vault
I'm level 21, and I'm pretty sure I've done most of the big quests. I've fully upgraded my car, I've got advanced power armor and the Turbo Plasma Rifle and the Gauss Rifle. I've got Sulik with Power armor and a .223 pistol, Marcus with the Turbo Plasma, and Cassidy with Power armor and the Gauss Rifle. I want to wait until I'm at least level 24 until I go to the Oil Rig, because I want to get the Sniper perk. What else besides random encounters can I do to level up?
Check the wiki for any side quests you haven't done yet.
Wipe out all the dumbasses at Navarro base, it's great fun. Then search in an adjacent map squares for some Enclave patrols and wipe out them too. :twisted:
Just go to the Oil Rig. The Sniper perk is totally overpowered and not even really needed, especially with the companions and the equipment you described.
valcik said:
Wipe out all the dumbasses at Navarro base, it's great fun. Then search in an adjacent map squares for some Enclave patrols and wipe out them too. :twisted:
Alright, I'll just kill a bunch of Enclave patrols but I don't want to take out Navarro. I like it for some reason.

What happens to Navarro after you destroy the oil rig?
To experience [spoiler:e5d349eb08] the "new" npc dialogues ? [/spoiler:e5d349eb08] Or simply because he/ she can?
Solidskei said:
.. I don't want to take out Navarro. I like it for some reason.
Yes, some of the Navarro troops are quite friendly, I have to admit. Nevertheless, poor Hakunin must be revenged!

Things to do?


Say, you know vault city right?

Well, to put it shortly...Its a city of dicks.
No really, its as if someone got the genetic material of every self righteous douche, mixed it together and started breeding them en masse. They then choose the most dickiest of all these dicks and put her in charge of the city. You may know her as Lynette.

So what I am saying is

MAIM KILL BURN! RAZE VAULT CITY! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Hell, that's what I did :lol:
It even got a ending slide. :evil:
Alright well, I'm currently at the Oil Rig. Is there any way to kill the President without turning everyone around me hostile?
Standing in a corner, turning on sneak mode, and shooting him with a silent rocket.
Actually, I find that you can kill him openly, and only the enclave on the floor he's on will be alerted. If you go to the reactor room they won't be.

I am running the Restoration Project though :/
Sneak-Killing only works if you end your turn, and then afterwards wait for your next one and then end combat.

I'd just go with the super stims.