Some dude named Briosafreak started a Fallout 3 blog. He interestingly quotes something we missed, from Critical Hits:<blockquote>There are a bunch of comments on Kotaku about whether or not it will be first person, third person, and how well the game will play out and look. All I have to say is, don’t worry. I can’t say anything more then that, but really and truly trust me, don’t worry. If you must know more you’ll have to ask me personally, and even then probably with a few drinks in me for good measure.</blockquote>To which Dave Chalker immediately responded:<blockquote>Bartoneus works in the same building as BethSoft, and so has gotten some glimpses of Fallout 3 in progress, but had to sign an NDA to do so, so that was the best (legally) he could say. He hasn’t even told me, his web-boss, about it, so I’m as dying to know as you are!</blockquote>Chalk another one up for "I know stuff and love it" to stand opposed the "I know stuff and hate it"-rumours. Both equally useless.
Link: Fallout 3: A post nuclear blog
Link: Critical Hits article
Link: Fallout 3: A post nuclear blog
Link: Critical Hits article