Fallout 3 ads and other tidbits

Ausdoerrt said:
PhillyT said:
On the drug thing someone beat me too it, but addiction wasn't that hard to deal with in Fallout really. Just waiting a while would make it go away.

It takes quite some time though, and if you're in FO1 it matters. Also, the game would stop your rest to notify you you're feeling bad/throwing up etc. Nothing like that in FO3 that I know of. Plus, the drugs seem to be less addictive too.

Addiction that isn't treated or fed in Fallout 3 can actually be pretty dangerous. You get a lot of visual feedback during a "nic-fit" which makes it hard to see and control. If one of those happened to occur at the wrong time it could be deadly.

If you've played Far Cry 2 it's fairly comparable to when your malaria acts up.
Lucky you. I am currently addicted to Mentats and every so often my screen goes fuzzy and I get a sound like my head is pounding. It doesn't last terribly long, but it could be detrimental mid-combat, that's for sure.