Fallout 3 and Borderlands comparison

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Blend Games compares screenshots of the upcoming post-apocalyptic action-RPG titles Fallout 3 and Borderlands.<blockquote>Look, I’m just going to come out and say it: Fallout 3 looks a bit like Gears of War, the original. It certainly isn’t criticism and you would have to be crazy not to take it as a compliment. The grey-scale shading and faded apocalyptic look gives the game a definite post-war feel. The screen blur and field-of-vision effect also work really well for this game. Toss in colors distinct enough to always look like a painting and some spot-on model and environmental texture work, and you have yourself one of the best genre-based visuals featured in a game, ever. Also, huge props to the art team for the poignant accents of the metal in this game. Crazily good.
Borderlands has a strange look to it. There’s definitely a steam-punk theme to this game, but the colors are much more vibrant in Borderlands to suit the different elemental effects some of the guns and equipment feature. There’s also a very nice aesthetic to the realtime shading effects; sporting tints and gradient blends that reflect the different atmospheric changes. Given the kind of lighting and texture detail in Borderlands, it’s tough to say which game looks better. I’m tempted to call a tie, but I would give a very, very, very, slight edge to Fallout 3, and only because it sports better illumination in the contrasting. </blockquote>
I read a bit about Borderlands a while ago and I even remember thinking "this is a bit like Fallout, except first person, and without the whole RPG bit."

Borderlands also looks more empty and desolate, esp. in the first pic. Contrast that pic with just about any Fallout 3 pic and you can see just how carried away Beth got with rubble. I know that Fallout 3 takes place in a city, but it really lacks the whole "wasteland" feel. Cities are not the wasteland, cities are an oasis in the wasteland.
Borderlands will also have Coop gameplay, a feature that I pretty much adore. I think it looks a bit like Morrowind from these screenshots but I know that the setting is totally different.
Half-Life 2 looked good on the screen as well so it really means nothing in the end.

I find it funny that they gave F3 a slight advantage because of excessive bloom.
At A Wiki Near You!

At A Wiki Near You!

The official web site takes long time, no lie, to load so will go wiki-ing.





@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far_Cry_2

wiki said:
The player's actions may also have a lasting effect on the environment: for example, one of the missions shown so far by the developers had the player sabotage a pipeline owned by one of the factions that's pumping fresh water from a lake to a neighboring country, exchanging it for arms and munition. After the player destroys it, part of the surrounding area becomes flooded, including a mine where another mission may take place.[9]
Various factions and vehicles will be featured; enemies will include human mercenaries, but sci-fi creatures such as the mutants from Far Cry will not be featured.[10] Furthermore, the player's feral abilities introduced in Far Cry Instincts and its expansions will not be returning in Far Cry 2. A dynamic weather system has been added that has a day night cycle and different weather conditions such as storms and strong winds. The time of day also affects the AI by making them more alert and aggressive or more relaxed and banal. One minute real-time is equivalent to five minutes in-game. ...

Actions and consequences in a professed shooter!

If action FPS's are the only marketable option in the 21st century,
how will Far Cry 2 compare to Stalker or maybe even FO3?

Compare the PR pics and copy write, ... FPS shooter, ... action RPG ...
Will these genre representatives blend into a thrilling, quick or dead, trauma ride, or a cross dressing pantomime larp?

5 or 7 inch heels, you decide!

Funny, if the electronic game entertainment industrial complex,
as it self importantly emulates Hollywood,
can only extrude one flavor of fudge, this early in it's history!

Just like TV, 700 channels and nothing is on ... !

I hardly think they're games to compare properly, aside from the PA, Road Warrior feel of both.
Re: At A Wiki Near You!

4too said:
Actions and consequences in a professed shooter!

Oh my God Far Cry 2 isn't going to sell a single copy because it's TOO DIFFICULT!

They should've asked Pete for advice!