Fallout 3 at E3 - BBPS, Bit-Tech, Joystiq

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Reaching the end of E3 previews, perhaps, Bit-Tech and BBPS join in and add absolutely nothing new. From Bit-Tech:<blockquote>Fallout 3 is one of the games we're keeping a very close eye on, which is hardly surprising given that some of us are still replaying Fallout 2 regularly, and we too have been worrying about how the new game may hold up to the classics.

A sequel to the original, turn-based and isometric RPG series from Interplay, Fallout 3 has been picked up by the makers of The Elder Scrolls series, Bethesda, after Interplay suffered financial difficulties. Despite being very vocal fans of the series and excellent RPG makers in their own right, many are worried that Bethesda will not be able to create the sequel Fallout 2 deserves and many are worried that the game will end up as nothing more than 'Oblivion with guns'.

Well, if the new screenshots are anything to go by then it looks like the game may end up being just as gory as previous titles.</blockquote>It is unclear how the game being gory is even remotely related to anything said in the first two paragraphs. On the topic of gory, Joystiq joins in:<blockquote>[A] pretty gruesome headshot care of one unfortunate super zombie. Gears of War also had some gruesome cranial explosions, but from what we saw at E3, Fallout 3 will up the ante in comical violence.</blockquote>Link: Fallout E3 BBPS.
Link: Fallout 3 E3 Bit-Tech.
Link: Fallout 3 is gory on Joystiq.

Spotted on Fallout 3: APNB.
Gears of War also had some gruesome cranial explosions, but from what we saw at E3, Fallout 3 will up the ante in comical violence.

Gears of War also had Curbstomping, black Characters named Cole Train (His first line was "Yo, yo, yo") and a final boss named General RAAM...

None of that was funny, as a matter of fact I now wish to smash Cliffy B's head against a brick wall...

Resident Gears of Fallout

Player Character = Marcus Fenix (by the way, he was looking for his father too)
Super Mutants = Locusts
Behemoth = Locust Berserker, Nemesis
Fatman = Hammer of Dawn
Lyons' Pride = The Gears
Brotherhood of Steel = C.O.G.
DC inhabitants = The Stranded
DC itself = Raccoon City
Vault-Tec = Umbrella Corporation

That has to be like the tenth time I've seen the "It's not Oblivion with guns because it's gory!" argument.
What the hell?
Daniel said:
I'm glad that the level of violence will be on par with the first two games in this series. This once again shows Bethesda's dedication to the licence and hopefully help quell the fears of hard-core fans.

'We dump, we wanna voilence! No Voilence we being voilent to you! Ugh!...' <- yes, this typical hardcore fans will be pleased *laughs his ass off*
Why does everyone wants so much gore and prise the head-of? I mean, yes, Fallout 1 and 2 was gory too, but it wasn't the kind of "look, I wander around in teh wastelands to shoot people and see how gory they explode"-thing.
Wow this article is a rollercoaster ride.

First it starts out like there being sharp and intellectual about it with:
Fallout 3 is one of the games we're keeping a very close eye on, which is hardly surprising given that some of us are still replaying Fallout 2 regularly, and we too have been worrying about how the new game may hold up to the classics.

A sequel to the original, turn-based and isometric RPG series from Interplay, Fallout 3 has been picked up by the makers of The Elder Scrolls series,/SNIP/

Then it gets real stupid real fast with:
Well, if the new screenshots are anything to go by then it looks like the game may end up being just as gory as previous titles.
pretty gruesome headshot care of one unfortunate super zombie. Gears of War also had some gruesome cranial explosions, but from what we saw at E3, Fallout 3 will up the ante in comical violence.

The old Bait and switch.
Well, frankly, Fallout demo had so little content that gore and VB cartoons (and stat screen with maaaaany stats) were it's main selling points.
Woah woah woah... fallout had zombies??? I must've missed out something in the first 2 games, because I don't remember zombies... ghouls and mutants... but zombies?! :crazy:
You guys forgot about FO3 inspiration.
We already have Nemesis aka Behemoth in Fallout.
There weren't zombies, so now there are!
And to make it Fallouty, they made them into super zombies!
Stag said:
Daniel said:
I'm glad that the level of violence will be on par with the first two games in this series. This once again shows Bethesda's dedication to the licence and hopefully help quell the fears of hard-core fans.

Indeed a very ridiculous statement.

some people obviously really have no clue...
Isn't there a dialogue from Necropolis where you can say "Get away from me, you zombie" or something? Or ghoul random encounters outside Necropolis or Gecko termed "zombies".
I feel like one of your party will say something about it in Gecko? Probably Cassidy...
Per said:
Isn't there a dialogue from Necropolis where you can say "Get away from me, you zombie" or something? Or ghoul random encounters outside Necropolis or Gecko termed "zombies".

I thought those were called "crazies" or something..
I don't remember zombie being used at all.

Could be wrong though.. I'll load up the game tonight and check, that's for sure!

whirlingdervish said:
I thought those were called "crazies" or something..

Crazies sounds definitely familiar. Maybe the word zombie was never used, but at the very least they had floats going something like "Braaaains... he he he!"

This does not turn super mutants into super zombies though!
All it takes to check is a search in the Fallout Wiki (where we have all the Fallout and Fallout 2 dialog files):


Hostile ghouls in random encounters were
called zombies. From PRO_CRIT.MSG:


{1400}{}{Zombie Guard}

Apparently, Set's ghoul gangstas were called Zombies:


{117}{}{What's a Zombie?}
{118}{}{Well, you have a nice day.}
{119}{}{Not a what . . . A WHO. We are the Zombies. If we do good, Set'll make
us one of his guards. Now that's all I'm gonna tell you.}
{120}{}{Why do you want to be one of his guards?}
{122}{}{I said dat's all I'm gonna tell ya'. Now git.}
{123}{}{You crazy. What do you think dis is? You better leave.}
{124}{}{Nah, I want to go in.}
{125}{}{OK, I'm out of here.}
{126}{}{I don't think so. Get out before I call the boyz over and
dance on your face.}
{127}{}{Is that a threat?}
{129}{}{It was. Now it's a fact. ZOMBIES!}
{130}{}{Stay away from dis place if you value yer life.}
{132}{}{You should git.}

Some Children of the Cathedral cultists were also called "zombies", including the option of you calling them that.

In Fallout 2, Wooz doesn't like being called a zombie:

{190}{}{You want to buy a round of drinks for everyone here? You must really be hard up for friends.
That’ll cost you $35.}
{195}{}{On second thought, I must have a hole in my head for wanting to buy drinks for a bunch of
rotting zombies.}
{320}{}{Zombies? Fuck you! We’re ghouls. Zombies are a type of undead with no free will. Although we
share certain physical characteristics -- most notably, the rotting flesh and characteristic morbidity --
we are creatures of free will. Allow me to demonstrate.}
{330}{}{I am demonstrating my free will by telling you to GET OUT! Damn smoothskin bigot. Go back to
Vault City, where you belong.}
{331}{}{Ghouls, zombies, who cares? You’re all freaks.}

The word "crazies" is used only by Killian in reference to the Vipers:

{140}{Kill08}{Well, travelers tell me there's a bunch of crazies up north called the
Vipers. Another group of yahoos out east called the Khans. Neither
one of them likely to invite you to supper as anything but the main course,
if you know what I mean.}
