Reaching the end of E3 previews, perhaps, Bit-Tech and BBPS join in and add absolutely nothing new. From Bit-Tech:<blockquote>Fallout 3 is one of the games we're keeping a very close eye on, which is hardly surprising given that some of us are still replaying Fallout 2 regularly, and we too have been worrying about how the new game may hold up to the classics.
A sequel to the original, turn-based and isometric RPG series from Interplay, Fallout 3 has been picked up by the makers of The Elder Scrolls series, Bethesda, after Interplay suffered financial difficulties. Despite being very vocal fans of the series and excellent RPG makers in their own right, many are worried that Bethesda will not be able to create the sequel Fallout 2 deserves and many are worried that the game will end up as nothing more than 'Oblivion with guns'.
Well, if the new screenshots are anything to go by then it looks like the game may end up being just as gory as previous titles.</blockquote>It is unclear how the game being gory is even remotely related to anything said in the first two paragraphs. On the topic of gory, Joystiq joins in:<blockquote>[A] pretty gruesome headshot care of one unfortunate super zombie. Gears of War also had some gruesome cranial explosions, but from what we saw at E3, Fallout 3 will up the ante in comical violence.</blockquote>Link: Fallout E3 BBPS.
Link: Fallout 3 E3 Bit-Tech.
Link: Fallout 3 is gory on Joystiq.
Spotted on Fallout 3: APNB.
A sequel to the original, turn-based and isometric RPG series from Interplay, Fallout 3 has been picked up by the makers of The Elder Scrolls series, Bethesda, after Interplay suffered financial difficulties. Despite being very vocal fans of the series and excellent RPG makers in their own right, many are worried that Bethesda will not be able to create the sequel Fallout 2 deserves and many are worried that the game will end up as nothing more than 'Oblivion with guns'.
Well, if the new screenshots are anything to go by then it looks like the game may end up being just as gory as previous titles.</blockquote>It is unclear how the game being gory is even remotely related to anything said in the first two paragraphs. On the topic of gory, Joystiq joins in:<blockquote>[A] pretty gruesome headshot care of one unfortunate super zombie. Gears of War also had some gruesome cranial explosions, but from what we saw at E3, Fallout 3 will up the ante in comical violence.</blockquote>Link: Fallout E3 BBPS.
Link: Fallout 3 E3 Bit-Tech.
Link: Fallout 3 is gory on Joystiq.
Spotted on Fallout 3: APNB.