Fallout 3 at E3 - Filefront/GAF again

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Filefront has a tiny look at Fallout 3:<blockquote>Control and gameplay was very similar to Oblivion, and the game uses an updated and enhanced version of the title. Howard expalined how players could choose their gender and appearance and that it would then alter the appearance of their father in the game. Father is voiced by screen actor Liam Neeson and serves as the catalyst for the character leaving the safety of Vault 101 for the irradiated world surrounding Washington D.C.

A few things stood out - fans of the series will enjoy the design and integration of many of the elements of the earlier game - including the robot helper Mr. Handy. Overall the combat system and design of the missions had as very Fallout vibe to it - including the stop time targeting system that allows players to halt the game and make called shots using the players skills to calculate probability.</blockquote>While we missed this remark by GAF:<blockquote>Fallout 3 is easily this year's Game of the Show, and if you follow the link below, you can find out exactly why.</blockquote>We'd like to remind everyone we've kept our Fallout 3 article page up to date, including non-English previews. Be sure to use it.

Link: E3 2007: Fallout 3 Demonstration at FileFront.

Spotted on BethBlog.
GAF Article said:
You can restore HP by drinking water, but not all water is clean, and most of it is irradiated, so the key to restoring health is to find the cleanest water you can (sometimes that may be out of a used toilet bowl, as Bethesda eagerly displayed).

Why not the goddamn stimpacks for healing... the fact that the healing water is not necessarily from toilet bowl doesn't make me forget that they could just put some stims and first aid kits around.
they're "eagerly" displaying that ?!?!?! seriously, the reviews are making my stomach hurt from laughter, please, go on, amuse me some more :D:D:D:D:D:D really, I would be gravely disappointed when this atrocity finaly is released and that ceases my continuous source of imbecillic fun. I guess they will come up wuth a way to drink your own piss - that would be hilarious and totally justifiable in the context of searching for the "cleanest water possible" - in a radiated wasteland, that is. I'm eagerly awaiting the next round of laughs. If ot wasn't so pathetic and a damn shame, we would be all rolling with laughter, I'm sure of this.
The amount of healing from water is likely small and you need to drink it anyway. Oh and I am sure Vault boy brand(c) Stimpaks are scattered around liberally.
Makenshi said:
Why not the goddamn stimpacks for healing

Yeah, that's what I'd prefer to see as well. "Healing" from drinking water doesn't even have any basis in SCIENCE! At least the stimpacks made sense, because they made use of "futuristic" medicines and chemicals.

Healing shouldn't be acheived just by drinking water from somewhere. It should be acheived by using stimpacks, and by making use of the "doctor" skill.

I used to enjoy playing a character in Fallout with a high doctor skill. When I was injured, not only could I heal myself without using up valuable stimpacks, but I'd also get experience points for it. Guess I won't be doing that in F3, though. :cry:
Howard expalined how players could choose their gender and appearance and that it would then alter the appearance of their father in the game.

Female PC: "DAD!!! You used up my lipstick and eyeshadow AGAIN."

Father is voiced by screen actor Liam Neeson

I still remember when voice actors were hired to do voice jobs!

A few things stood out - fans of the series will enjoy the design and integration of many of the elements of the earlier game - including the robot helper Mr. Handy.

.. who is apparently foul mouthed with an AI better than that of ZAX.
Yeah. I'll really enjoy that.
Vault 69er said:
I still remember when voice actors were hired to do voice jobs!
And do you remember good ol' days when voice acting wasn't used to advertise a game? Good ol' days back on Cybertron...
Seriously, they're saying it like Liam Neeson would remove crapiness from Fallout.
The fact is, Ron Perlman is important to Fallout. Liam is not.
And yet Rockstar never even mentions that almost all characters in GTAs are voiced by A-grade actors.

They don't need to. Why? Because the quality of their games speaks for itself.
Vault 69er said:
Howard expalined how players could choose their gender and appearance and that it would then alter the appearance of their father in the game.

Female PC: "DAD!!! You used up my lipstick and eyeshadow AGAIN."

You are so one of my favourite posters.
Per said:
Vault 69er said:
Howard expalined how players could choose their gender and appearance and that it would then alter the appearance of their father in the game.

Female PC: "DAD!!! You used up my lipstick and eyeshadow AGAIN."

You are so one of my favourite posters.

but, having in mind the gayness of above mentioned actor, I would deem that suitable. Even on par wiht the taking shape gayness ot F3. Not gay like joyfull, the other type of gay
Dougly said:
Makenshi said:
Why not the goddamn stimpacks for healing

Yeah, that's what I'd prefer to see as well. "Healing" from drinking water doesn't even have any basis in SCIENCE! At least the stimpacks made sense, because they made use of "futuristic" medicines and chemicals.

Exactly! Stimpacks are 50's. Drinking water for healing isn't. Actually remember me of Duke Nukem... which is FPS!!! ZOMG!!! :lol:
tsonan said:
but, having in mind the gayness of above mentioned actor, I would deem that suitable. Even on par wiht the taking shape gayness ot F3. Not gay like joyfull, the other type of gay

What? Liam Neeson is the man.

I don't really think he should be in Fallout as a guiding force, but still, Liam is the man.
They better ditch the doctor and first-aid skill. Cause you ain't gonna use it! Behold! The holy healing toilet bowl water! :lol:

What's this? A fantasy game? :roll:
tsonan said:
but, having in mind the gayness of above mentioned actor, I would deem that suitable. Even on par wiht the taking shape gayness ot F3. Not gay like joyfull, the other type of gay
Liam Neeson is not gay.

He played someone who was.


Can you roleplay enjoying it?

Can you?

Your Father can.


Come out of the Vault.

Come out to find your father.

