Fallout 3 at E3 - GAF

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Games are Fun joins the ranks:<blockquote>Guns will be one of the major weapons in Fallout 3, and for the most part, the game will play much like a first-person shooter. There will also be laser rifles, melee weapons, and my favorite, a portable nuclear bomb launcher. A neat feature of the weapons is their condition: you'll find different guns, and sometime they won't be in the best shape. You can repair them, however, by finding a duplicate of that weapon and cannibalizing it for parts. This will increase your original gun's accuracy and firing rate, and provides incentive for exploring to find new equipment.

In battle, the game will play like an FPS, as I mentioned, but it can also play like a semi-turn-based shooter, using what Bethesda is calling V.A.T.S. (an acronym for the targeting system in the game). When you scan an enemy, time freezes and you can see the status of its different body parts. Each body part has its own HP bar, as well as a percentage indicating you how likely you are to hit it. You can then choose to target a specific body part and how many times to attack (each attack uses up AP, or Action Points). When you finish with the scan, the game returns to real-time, and your main character loads up his shots. You don't have to control him here, only watch; each bullet is fired according to the instructions you gave (which body part, how many times, etc.) and the camera follows the bullet from muzzle to impact across the battlefield. A successful hit, and you're treated to a Gears of War-like explosion of gore.</blockquote>Link: Fallout 3 preview on GAF.

Thanks NukaColaClassic.
Just another notch on the stick.

Asides from the hilarity of the happiness with which they call it a FPS, nothing to see here
Moron said:
...and my favorite, a portable nuclear bomb launcher.
A successful hit, and you're treated to a Gears of War-like explosion of gore.

Excuse me sir, your xbox is showing.
Brother None said:
There will also be laser rifles, melee weapons, and my favorite, a portable nuclear bomb launcher.

They must have uberhyped the nuclear catapult, because it is mentioned as being "cool" in every last friggin article, and I'm sure
'Yeah, the hard-core fans are going to be real pleased with this'

beyond inane already
I pray Gods that Beth make more stupidities, so these independent, objective journalists criticise it. Then I could make a sequel to the Beth MOD and criticise the Todd & Co. myself, but somehow they always seem to do the right thing. Everyone love what they make, everything is so cool - that I'll have to cancel the development of the sequel. I have nothing to work with.

Sorry folks.
Yet another preview said:
(...)and for the most part, the game will play much like a first-person shooter. There will also be laser rifles, melee weapons, and my favorite, a portable nuclear bomb launcher.(...)In battle, the game will play like an FPS, as I mentioned, but it can also play like a semi-turn-based shooter, using what Bethesda is calling V.A.T.S. (...)body part(...)choose(...)scan(...)loads(...)body part(...)impact(...)Gears of War


Over a year more of the such, says ye. Where is my god now? :(
This is the first mention of the score (outside of the radio stuff), to bad he doesn't actually go into detail though. "Sad melancholy tune".

Was it ever confirmed who is doing the soundtrack?

I guess we will get the orchestra treatment though.
Didn't we hear some songs in the concept art buildup to the teaser?

I don't remember anything about them, though.
It just have to be spectacular, I just hope it's really dangerous as well. A weapon of which you really have to think twise before using.
Salkinius said:
It just have to be spectacular, I just hope it's really dangerous as well. A weapon of which you really have to think twise before using.

Nuclear catapult + bloom = Bethesda sued by millions after Fallout 3 causes mass blindess?
i really don't get why each and every freaking previewer writes the nukular katapulz is his favorite weapon...

i suspect Scientology-style brainwashing goes on at Bethesda press events.
You don't have to control him here, only watch; each bullet is fired according to the instructions you gave (which body part, how many times, etc.) and the camera follows the bullet from muzzle to impact across the battlefield. A successful hit, and you're treated to a Gears of War-like explosion of gore.

Oh ,missed this. Does this mean we will have to sit through some sort of slow-mo (I assume it will be slow-mo) cinematic thing after *every* VATS shot we fire? :crazy:

Didn't we hear some songs in the concept art buildup to the teaser?

Yeah, they played what they called the "title theme" over the concept art. The music starts off decently, but quickly becomes "raah, let's go kill some shit". I really like the music on its own actually, but it doesn't fit in with Fallout whatsoever.
Starwars said:
This is the first mention of the score (outside of the radio stuff), to bad he doesn't actually go into detail though. "Sad melancholy tune".

Was it ever confirmed who is doing the soundtrack?

No. Probably Inon Zur.
Starwars said:
Oh ,missed this. Does this mean we will have to sit through some sort of slow-mo (I assume it will be slow-mo) cinematic thing after *every* VATS shot we fire? :crazy:

Presumably there'd be an option to toggle that off.
Vault 69er said:
Starwars said:
Oh ,missed this. Does this mean we will have to sit through some sort of slow-mo (I assume it will be slow-mo) cinematic thing after *every* VATS shot we fire? :crazy:

Presumably there'd be an option to toggle that off.

Meh. The option to turn it off will be "downloadable content". :P
Gah, yet another 'it's semi turn-based' comment. Haven't these people ever played a bloody board game? They wouldn't know turn-based if it hit them in the face. RTWP != Turnbased.

I think we should start a charitable collection to buy these guys a clue.

/throws in 10 bottlecaps.
Well, it sound like the new combat system will be the best incentive anyone (well, I, at least) will ever need to try their darnest to finish the game without firing a single shot.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've already written this blunder called Fallout 3 off.

If Beth somehow make a 180 (or at least a 90. In any direction), I'll be pleasantly surprised. But I don't at all expect to be.