Fallout 3 at E3 - Gameshark

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Gameshark covered Fallout 3 for E3. They add little new info:<blockquote>The Fallout 3 E3 presentation was very much like the one Bethesda laid out for Oblivion a couple of years ago. Press members sat in a dark room while Howard played the game on two giant flat screen monitors for an hour, showing us the key points to the game, and just like Oblivion, it’s hard to see the presentation and not come away impressed. It looks great, sounds great, and it at least appears that great care is being put into making it a game that both newcomers and die-hards will appreciate. The only downside is that it’s still at least a year away. Talk about a tease. </blockquote>Link: Fallout 3 preview on Gameshark.

Spotted on Bluesnews.
Makagulfazel said:
...making it a game that both newcomers and die-hards will appreciate.

I have a feeling many of these previewers don't frequent NMA.

They don't care. Besides, it's obvious they're just reading off a checklist of Bethesda approved slogans.