Fallout 3 at LGC: GameSpot


Vault Consort
Staff member
Not much new over at GameSpot, except maybe for this part:<blockquote>After making it through the Meresti Trainyard and its abandoned train wrecks, we came across the outskirts of a small settlement. The problem was that it was protected, and we were immediately shot at by a sniper upon entering. We spun around and tried to use the VATS system to hone in on the sniper, but we couldn't see them, and they'd soon incapacitated us via our arms and legs.</blockquote>It seems V.A.T.S. cannot be used indiscriminately to locate enemies, and snipers can be deadly for the unprepared.
Holy shit awesome,

Faith is just ever so slightly beginning to be resorted that it may actually be quite a good game.
or it could be skill factor coming in. In the weak areas, you are fighting undisciplined or unskilled raiders and such.

They made some comment in one of the previews about the people in the demo who went straight to downtown getting waxed before they even got close.
thefalloutfan said:
It's like they're revealing this better stuff on purpose this week :P

I think the question is

"Why are they doing this now instead of in the first place?"

Oh wait... right

gotta impress all the FPS console fanboys first.
snipers sounds fun to me, there hasn't been a good game with sniper duels since sniper elite

edit: ok and some parts of stalker
As example, yes. It wouldn't be the first time in gaming history.
Gamespot said:
outskirts of a small settlement. The problem was that it was protected, and we were immediately shot at by a sniper upon entering

Looks like everything out there is still hostile for no apparent reason :/

But the sniper taking you out by going for limbs is pretty cool.
aenemic said:
don't be silly. of course it's not a triggered event.

Well, I said, we don't know it for sure.

It seems like there are now more and more "sceptical" people jumping up on the hype-train.
Yeah, it might be scripted like the snipers in Half-Life 2. Hopefully not since it sounds kind of cool, but snipers in games almost always aren't as satisfying as you'd like.
oihrebwe said:
snipers sounds fun to me, there hasn't been a good game with sniper duels since sniper elite
Sniper gameplay, the hidden deathbringer, has always been a delicate thing to balance. Making a enemy sniper too deadly and it can seem like the game is cheating , but if you make the sniper too incompetent and all of the tension can be lost. Essentially it can take the problems with combat balance and magnify them - a regular enemy that is difficult to defeat due to unfair combat balance is nowhere near as frustrating as an enemy that you cannot see or cannot get to.

Regarding tactics, there are 3 ways to stop a sniper: 1) snipe them back, 2) use overwhelming firepower on their position, or 3) take cover while infiltrating their position and then take them out with regular means. Hopefully, FO3 will make all 3 combat tactics possible for most of the sniping situations.

As far as whether the gameplay is good or which situations are scripted, we won't know anything for sure until the game is released. Long-term combat enjoyment takes several hours at least to gauge. And whether something is scripted or not usually takes several reloads to figure out.
Lexx said:
aenemic said:
don't be silly. of course it's not a triggered event.

Well, I said, we don't know it for sure.

It seems like there are now more and more "sceptical" people jumping up on the hype-train.

I think I misunderstood what you meant. you meant that the sniper was placed there in the demo so that the player couldn't enter that area, right? that I could understand.

but at first I thought you meant that the event will be triggered in the real game and simply kill you when you go there. which would be unbelievably bad game design, even for Bethesda.
what i think he meant was that they (bethesda) put the sniper there on purpouse just to show that something like this could happen and such. Probably in the game there won't be any sniper in that place. Probably the sniper in the game will be weaker and thake more time to kill you and such. They just wanted to show this function of the game.