Fallout 3 Broken Steel Screenshots and Previews


VG247 has even more screenshots from the upcoming Broken Steel DLC expansion, showing off the Presidential Tram beneath the White House (or, rather, what's left of it), Project Purity dumping fresh water into the irradiated ocean, the new Tesla cannons, mutants that finally don't resemble orcs and a number of generic "I've-seen-it-before" shots.


Interesting? You decide, as BS hits us on May 5th. For now, Kotaku has a few tidbits of information about the DLC, including proof that Bethesda's developers really understand the concept of consequences in RPGs:<blockquote>Hines only detailed one of the perks though, called Puppies! If you pick the Puppies! Perk when Dogmeat dies he gets reincarnated automatically as a puppy, which you can go to certain areas to add back to your group.</blockquote>Link: Fallout 3: Broken Steel - first screens, release date on VG247.com
Link: Broken Steel Brings Puppies!
i somehow find it hard to get exited from a DLC that, well, doesnt really sound that great nor interesting.
I like the new mutant models, finally something more like the original muties, yet with a significant twist.
It does look better but honestly it is directed at power players and personally I'm not a big fan of powerful weapons and high levels. In most RPG's I'm often underpowered against the final boss and I rather start several new characters than work hard on making one invincible.

Hopefully the quest will be good, if it is run and gun against the Enclave and Supermutants then I'll be lukewarm about it although happy to get a better ending. As usual, we shall see.
First pic tell everything about this dlc... Again L.B will frag everyting that stands on players way:/
uhh if I want a super mutant retexture or new weapons I'll download them from fallout3nexus, thanks anyway though beth
Guess the Big Guy up there really owes Dogmeat some favors.

During my short stint with him he had a tendency to run over every landmine we could find.
Oh my, a new uber-powerful LOOKING power armour? Perhaps now it will take more than 3 shots from a combat shotgun?
I thought I was looking at Unreal Tournament.

This is crap!

Too much lasers blazers zoom boom!!!

(No I didn't like these kind of weapons in Fallout 1 or 2 either, but this is even WORSE)
The laser cannons are a bit over the top, dontcha think?

Save_the_Mutos said:
Looks like we're fighting the combine now.

You tell it like it is, mang!
Mutants still look pretty orc-like to me.

And yep, I'm just seeing more lasers, more shooting, more MISSING THE DAMN POINT.