Fallout 3 Broken Steel Screenshots and Previews

Mikael Grizzly said:
I like the new mutant models, finally something more like the original muties, yet with a significant twist.
I_eat_supermutants said:
I agree about the mutants that they don't look like orcs.....they look like gorillas.
Yeah they kind of do, though what came to my mind first was Abomination in the recent Incredible Hulk movie.

beverageleverage said:
That gatling laser looks like dogshit, could be in quake 2 screen and I wouldn't know the difference.
It is quite bad, the beam isn't even properly coming out of the weapon. I still can't wrap my head around how people could think that Fallout 3 has anything above 6/10 graphics, I mean it really is pretty uninspiring.

What I assume is a Gauss Cannon looks bloody ridiculous.
It's a Tesla cannon.

And the reason the Oberlords look less like proper supermutants is due to their smooth skin and lack of body hair.
Hmm, looks like you can shoot down Vertibirds now. If Im not totally spacing, Vertibirds were invulnerable before, right? And this one in the picture is on fire it seems?
Oh well, wont make the game good, but one could see it as for each DLC released, the modders get more raw material to perhaps create something decent out of.
dirtbag said:
I thought I was looking at Unreal Tournament.

This is crap!

Too much lasers blazers zoom boom!!!

(No I didn't like these kind of weapons in Fallout 1 or 2 either, but this is even WORSE)

Well, at least Unreal was a good shooter. And the graphics don't look as crappy either (the weapons actually LOOK like weapons).

That said, I wonder how the hell the electric cannon (or w/e) from Quake made it in there. I also can imagine how "fun" this will be, considering the broken gameplay that FO3 has. I wonder how the AI pathfinding will work out for that copter :roll:
Save_the_Mutos said:
Looks like we're fighting the combine now.

The Combine had brains at least. The New "Eastern" Enclave is completely braindead so if their new armor design influences their tactical and strategetical decisions -- then all the better.

-- Combine. Using one world's species to conquer another and continuing onward. The pyramid scheme from hell.
Westbend said:
Hmm, looks like you can shoot down Vertibirds now. If Im not totally spacing, Vertibirds were invulnerable before, right?
Personally I never have but I know for sure that you can shoot 'em down, I've read a lot of strategies on taking 'em out but personally I cant be bothered, I'm not the type of guy who carries heavy weapons.
Trithne said:
Mutants still look pretty orc-like to me.

And yep, I'm just seeing more lasers, more shooting, more MISSING THE DAMN POINT.
Maybe missing the point is what they do best? *cheers beth!*

Dracon M'Alkir said:
The Combine had brains at least. The New "Eastern" Enclave is completely braindead so if their new armor design influences their tactical and strategetical decisions -- then all the better.
I hope they continue to wear broken down shit armor + weapons in wrecked condition.....I wouldn't want it any other way....challenge is my nemesis. I want to steam roll hapless idiots to make me feel BIG. I'm a real beth fan till the end. Stay true beth baby...stay true. (yeah I'm drunk right now, just so you all know) :wink: I gotta laugh and beth is great at facilitating that for me.
First Gameplay video on G4TV.

The same like anchorage or the pitt: Shoot, shoot, shoot.
They are not changing SPECIAL so that people who have maxed out at 20 will have more to do with skills, thus making the higher level cap completely pointless.
Still the giant robot fetish and beams of light emitting at all sorts of angles from a "barrel"? The new portable laser show, don't go to the club without it.

Love the description for the project purity pic btw...