Fallout 3 E3 demo on Spike TV

CodeZombie, it's pretty much been stated by Bethsoft ('nother newspost, don't want to cross-link) that there will not be modding tools included with FO3.
I believe them too, but to be fair to Bethesda they have a habit of releasing the editor a couple of months after the game come out anyway.

I suspect there will be a fair amount of pressure but on Bethesda to release the editor. But again I've not worked with them for sometime so I don't know how the hireachy are thinking on such matters.

Edit: I do beleive that the editor is required, FO3 is probably going to need a fair bit of fan based tweaking to get it 'right'. I'm actually worried that Bethesda will try and resist releasing an editor to avoid the PR issues of the fan base fixing the game, and adding in content such as child killing and the like.
... or releasing it for an additional $49.95.

Nice to see you back, CodeZombie.
Wooz said:
... or releasing it for an additional $49.95.

Nice to see you back, CodeZombie.

Nice to be back Wooz... :D

If Bethesda were to ask for money for the editor, that would be low, I'm not sure even Bethesda could sink that low. :shock:

I suspect I'll get FO3 if the editor is released, but otherwise it might be a Tactics and BoS situation, where I won't touch them either. :lol:
I'm just wondering : Spike TV/gametrailers are going to release a different video from monday's demo, right ? A trailer ?

Also :

CodeZombie said:
a) I've had the highly dubious pleasure of making these builds for four titles ( [...] Call of Cthulhu DCoTE [...] )

Where did the amazing physics go, man ? :?
Anyway, kudos to you for having worked on that game, I thought it was awesome.
DCoTE would be awesome if it weren't for that stupid "Take away your weapons and force you to do a crappy stealth segment in some sewers" part. If you were in any way responsible for that please take some time out of your day to build a machine that will kick you in the beanbag.
Well, I thought that what was worse was the part when you had to run through the crawling underwater cave without ever pressing left or right because otherwise you died...It's ok when you figure it out but dying 30 times in a row just because you don't know that strafing to dodge the falling rocks is not ok sucks a bit...

Completely off topic though...Sorry for that. A little less than twenty hours left to go for that Fallout 3 trailer.
Ah! Then that's the reason why i never got to finish the game without cheating! Well, bad design, bad design...

Anyway, I love the game. Not perfect, but good.
Anani Masu said:
DCoTE would be awesome if it weren't for that stupid "Take away your weapons and force you to do a crappy stealth segment in some sewers" part. If you were in any way responsible for that please take some time out of your day to build a machine that will kick you in the beanbag.

Nope, I was a coder, not a level designer.

So rain on the characters glasses (my fault)
ALL the audio (my fault)
All audio insanity effects (I'm a bad bad boy)
Glass shattering system (my fault)
Some of the control system (again my fault)
The in game inventory system (Sorry... :oops: )
The healing system ( Guilty )

Plus lots of other silly things I cant remember.

It's ok when you figure it out but dying 30 times in a row just because you don't know that strafing to dodge the falling rocks is not ok sucks a bit...

No actually it sucked a lot. :cry:

MrBumble said:
Where did the amazing physics go, man ? :?

Don't. get. me. started. on. that. topic...

Seriously there is a major long rant in there, I'll end up naming names, and regret it later.

Suffice to say, very very short sighted stupid decisions were made.
Well I'm not sure that was really worth staying up for. What was there seemed very nice but it was only like 10 seconds long. Black and White 50s style ad, remains of a living room, skeletal remains on the couch, and a PC readying a rifle. 95% of the show was GoW2 stuff which looks nice but won't be hitting PC for quite a while.
Well, the preview is REALLY short;/ The surroundings look nice, especially with the ruins in the distance, but the textures could be a bit sharper and still - no shadows.

As usual, my 3 cents;)
Reminds me of the Fallout intro with the TV and ruined building. In fact, it's pretty much exactly the same concept, except for the vault dweller at the end. The environments look very nice as always.
Vasara said:
Reminds me of the Fallout intro with the TV and ruined building.
Meh, they zoom out way too quickly.
There's not a lot of atmosphere, and they leave no time to build it.
Vasara said:
In fact, it's pretty much exactly the same concept, except for the vault dweller at the end.
To be honest, I think that a generic 'vault dweller' is better than a generic BoS paladin.
I'm just glad they didn't put in that god-awful music sting, when you see the character.

Holy shit, it took them a year to release another teaser?
We better get a shitload when they show a demo, as Bodybag said.
Ever the optimist

I can't believe I'm still mildly glowing for this game to be something to wait for. With so many absolutely insipid remarks from their PR division, Bethsoft just can't make this game really playable.
I mean...(we all know these little fantastic lines, so I won't bother anybody by restating them)

But then this teaser trailer isn't all that bad. It does have a little something pulling for it. The graphics and the ambiance do feel polished and done right. (at least for my short two viewings)
But then I think of how this ties in with the O-so-not-mighty Oblivion.
Great graphics with utterly stupid things (look! levelscaling!) not righted before shipping.
With their track-record of bad games so badly toted around they shouldn't be able to make me interested in their new flagship.

I still want to play it though. Dammit!

I think it is time go lose some more of my brain to Diablo 2... :roll: