Fallout 3 engine shots?


Carbon Dated and Proud
AS you guys and gals might remember the guys over at Bethesda said that Fallout 3 would use the same engine as the new Elder Scrolls game, and they just released some screenshots of the new Elder Scrolls game in the Gameinformer magazine. Evidently Worthplaying has scanned these screenshots and posted them for all to see.
Link: Elder Scrolls IV screenshots
Thanks to Alien_77 for informing us!
HAH! These looks awfully similar to the ones we were showed earlier by Zajcew, notice the worthplaying logo on the images... ugh..that sickens me..
Well obviously those are the same ones, just properly scanned this time. But quality is still low, I'm waiting for some proper screenshots.

EDIT: I've read through Oblivions forums and check this out:

Q: I live in another country, what do I do? Can someone post scans of the article for me?

A: We will not allow anyone to post links or pass along information on where to see scanned copies of the article or screenshots. We will not allow anyone to post the entire contents of the article. It’s against the law and we will do our part to keep that from happening on these forums, no exceptions. If you post that information, it will be deleted. Posting quotes from the article for discussion purposes is fine. That means one or two sentences, at most, not a whole page.

Sorry, we know we have a lot of overseas fans that want to read the info and see the screens, but you'll just have to wait a couple weeks. It also wouldn’t hurt to send a letter to your favorite gaming magazine(s) letting them know you demand they do a cover story on Oblivion. Let them know how many folks want to hear about this game. After all, they cover what people want to read about, and that includes you.

Not only is he admitting to fucking 99% of the TES comunnity in the ass, he also wants this 99% to advertise their game in other mags.

I have a funny feeling same thing will happen to Fallout 3. They'll release screenshots as "World Exclusive" in some gamers mag, and we'll have to wait for a month or so to see them. So much for Bethesha being "comunnity friendly".
If they dont want the damned images being public, then they fucking shouldnt have them published.

Sorry bethesda, but people pirate stuff all the time. If all theyre doing is showing pics of the article, which advertises your product to someone who wouldnt have seen it if they hadnt seen it if it hadnt been scanned, then dont bitch and moan, especily when it could generate you extra sales.

Also, whats Gameinformer's stance on images from their magazine being scanned and uploaded, since it's THEIR magizine, their stance on the issue should have muxch more weight than Bethesda's.
Zajcew said:
Well obviously those are the same ones, just properly scanned this time. But quality is still low, I'm waiting for some proper screenshots.

Look at them again, to me they look identical to the ones you took..
Im just waking up, but it almost looks ike they just used Zajcew's pics, prehaps cropped a little.....

Cheap bastards, at least give fucking credit.
PsychoSniper said:
Im just waking up, but it almost looks ike they just used Zajcew's pics, prehaps cropped a little.....

Cheap bastards, at least give fucking credit.

Exactemundo, my Psycho friend.. 8)
Hmmmm... one of those screens mentioned "You can change your view to third person to enjoy the beauty of your character" or some such shit. If they use the same engine as Oblivion, hopefully they will have some options to leave the camera in 3rd-person the whole time and perhaps even locked in a rotatable isometric viewpoint.
me too, unfortunatly, I was to late..they allready removed them when I saw this thread :cry:
lol, you guys are asuming I took the those pics.


I found them on another message board, and just thought I would post them here. I live in Poland, and I never had any issue of Game Informer in my life.

I should propably give credits to the dude that took them, but I have no idea who he is. The dude that posted that link on that another forum wasn't the person that took them, he just posted the link. Funny thing is it was removed quickly, and that dude was banned form the site, because posting links to mag scans is illegal, incase you guys didn't know, they are copywrited material. That's why I was worried if it's ok to post something like that here, but I figured it won't be any big loss if I get banned, cause I had like what? 3 posts on my account?
Anyway, I should make it clear that I didn't took them, but I never said I did either.
I'll try to be cristal clear next time.
Sorry for the confusion.
No, we are not. At least I'm not.

Thing is, w pizde jeza motyla noge, that a game based on an engine like that will probably require a Pentium 9 5Thz processor, 80GB RAM, and a GeForce 21 50GB graphics card.

Ha! So they are mystery pictures, with a history so confusing that no one can tell where their source was. Drifting around the internet like a phantom.