Fallout 3 file formats (How to open BSA files inside)

Can somebody shoot the combat shotgun's magazine texture my way?

BTW, having looked at BSA commander's logs, it says 'ERR: Corrupt" for all the textures. Any ideas?
Metalmurphy said:
I tried doing that with the XP sound file (it's "sound\fx\ui\popup\ui_popup_experienceup.wav) and replaced it with another file and the same sound would still come up.
That worries me a bit. Provided you placed the file in the mentioned location, I had hoped that the game would consider that the newest version, and use that. That's how the Oblivion engine works (except it's bugged for the textures).

Is there any way to replace a single file inside the BSA archive without having to extract everything and pack everything again?
I doubt it, but I could be very wrong.
Standalone version of obmm's bsa unpacker/creator here. I've switched over the version numbers, but fixing the textures bsa will have to wait till I get hold of fallout myself.
For the tool smiths here, the texture BSA file uses a new header flag mask (0x100) for whether it will prefix the texture data with the full path name of the texture. This flag is the same word where the Compressed, pathnames, filenames flag is.

The texture prefix name is one byte which contains the length of the string and then the string. The normal contents then follow.

Edit: Quick note for those with some interest there is a development build of nifskope with preliminary Fallout 3 support at niftools. Mostly view only support at this time but you might be able to write valid nifs. Objects are a little dark until we figure out where some of the specular/emissive colors have changed in materials.
This is awesome progress, guys. Keep it up and there'll be a fan-made modkit before (if) Beth will release the official one.
Timeslip said:
If you have obmm installed it might save you a bit of hex editing; it gives you an option to ignore the version number in the file.

By the way, is it possible to install obmm without having Oblivion installed?
Cheers! The beta version works well for what I'm trying to do atm - getting the originals in max, hopefully we'll be replacing models soon as well :mrgreen:
Yes! Change all the ugly weapon modells to the original ones! :)
Timeslip said:
That's good news at least. :) Between the lack of a cs and securom garbage getting in the way of any future fallout script extender we certainly could use some.

If you have obmm installed it might save you a bit of hex editing; it gives you an option to ignore the version number in the file.

That would be awsone and very helpful.
CrazyAce said:
That would be awsone and very helpful.
That was a bit delayed. Me and scripterron have release fallout specific bsa tools already. :P (ScripterRon's remains the only one able to unpack the textures BSA right now though.)

I was repeating wrong information about the securom btw. There's a thread about it somewhere.
Thats great news, but where is the beta? Or will you release it once you have the textures working properly?
So, what editor is there to be used for this? 'cause the second I get an BSA open the game files will fry of editing XD, no seriously. I can't even open it with c++, Any ideas?

(First post BTW, yay!)
Thanks for the warm welcome :D

I'll look at the programs, I managed with this BSA edit to extract them but I broke the files. The textures are all broken, so they can't be edited. But I'll look if nifskope gives me any luck.
Not BSA related, but .esm is still a file format so I guess it fits in here: I've updated TESsnip to load/save fallout 3 esm and esp's. I've stuck it in with the bsa packer/unpacker, so the download link is still the same. I've also released the first mod made using it here.

The format is almost identical to oblivion's; there's still exactly the same GRUP records to allow the engine to quickly skip over bits that it doesn't need to read, formIDs, XXXX records for subrecords over 64kb in size and compressed subrecord blocks. The only difference is the addition of an extra 4 bytes into the header of groups and records. Not sure what they do yet; there's already 8 bytes of flags, so I doubt there's any need for even more...