Fallout 3 GotY prima guide notes

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Apparently the Prima Game Guide for Fallout 3 GotY is not just expanded for the DLCs, but also partially revamped, the author writes.<blockquote>From the very start, we’ve revamped the guide to make it user-friendly, giving brief descriptions of what each chapter contains. This begins with the Training, which runs through all the statistics you need during character creation, along with general character development and Perks all the way to Level 30. Chapter 2 is the Factions and Bestiary, charting the machinations of every Wasteland clan and association from the Bandits to the Brotherhood of Steel, the Aliens to the wig-wearing Ghoul Guard. Then comes statistics for every single enemy in the game.

I’m particularly happy with Chapters 3 and 4: brand-new Wasteland Census and Gear information. The Census showcases every single person with a name that appears in Fallout 3. And I mean EVERYONE, along with where to find them, their biography, and their related Quests. Each Wasteland dweller has their own portrait too; a screen-taking process that took 72 hours alone to accomplish. But you will be able to look up information on anyone you meet, whether it’s Split Jack the Bandit or Leaf Mother Laurel. The Gear features every available weapon (along with a render of it), and all the wearable equipment you can find, with statistics and advice on how (and where) to find each type. Naturally, this includes associated Quests, unique weapons, custom weapons, and every other possible piece of information you need.</blockquote>Thanks Planet Fallout.
is this a physical manual or a pdf manual?

if physical manual, thats great... other than all the quest spoilers.

if its pdf, meh, shitty
It's not the manual that comes with the game, it's a guide that you have to buy separately.
Yeah, is there a pdf version for it? The picture of a book in the link Brother None provided at the beginning of his post makes me doubt the original version is a pdf, but I still hope there is a pdf version.
my bad, i didnt see the "prima guide" part...

meh, it will be scanned/uploaded by some enterprising "distributors"