Fallout 3 GotY: X-Play RPGotY

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
I was already getting confused by Hooked Gamers' declaration that Fallout 3 is the best game across all platforms but somehow not the best game on the Xbox 360, and now G4 X-Play declares that Fallout 3 is RPG of the Year while Fable II takes Game of the Year. So Fallout 3 is a better RPG than Fable II but Fable II is a better game? Ok.
Honestly, what surprises me in the scant few GotY's out already (a bit early guys? There's still some 2k8 titles to come) is GTA IV not grabbing GotY by default.

In doing so, they're kind of disqualifying themselves. Because GTA IV is the highest-reviewed game by a massive margin: 9.8 MC average versus the likes of GoW 2's 9.3, Fallout 3's 9.3, Resistance 2's 8.7, etc. etc.

So basically what...they're admitting the hype for GTA IV died down and that gives the currently hyped games a better shot despite the fact that they're all rating lower than GTA IV?

Honestly...LBP should run away as the kind of title that carries a platform, and GTA IV won't win any PC GotY awards with the way it's launched, but haven't the critics by their own ratings shown GTA IV should not have any competition?

I mean...

Fable II?!
Brother None said:
...So Fallout 3 is a better RPG than Fable II but Fable II is a better game? Ok.

:rofl: :rofl: :clap: :clap:

In other words they are saying: "We are a bunch of fucking retards!"
Too bad there's no King's Bounty: The Legend in any of the GotY lists. That would definitely be my pick.
Ausir said:
Too bad there's no King's Bounty: The Legend in any of the GotY lists. That would definitely be my pick.

European niche. Not a serious candidate for most sites. It'll be on GB's candidate list though we don't know yet where (hard to peg as a hybrid), and it'll be on the smaller sites, but it's not mainstream enough for people like X-Play.

My personal GotY is World of Goo, and it'll probably get some listing love with its positive buzz, but small titles like that need some real hype (Braid) to get serious candidature. And even then they usually get the consolation prizes - not considered "full" games.
LBP is GoTY in my book... followed closely by MGS4.

Although World of Goo kicks some ass as well.

As for Xplay, I knew they were fucked when Morgan Webb reviewed FO3 and claimed that VATS was "a nod back to the original games, and turn based."
G4 X-Play is hilarity+1 when it comes to reviewing games. I've rarely seen them give any score other than 5/5 for mediocre-to-good games, you've got to be pretty bad to get less than a 4...though they gave Space Siege a 4.5/5. Yes, Space "worst game of the year" Siege.
European niche. Not a serious candidate for most sites.

Well, in Poland it was one of the best selling games this year. Although Polish gaming market is not very typical. The best selling game ever is The Witcher (understandably), followed by Heroes of Might and Magic V.
Aren't the VGA's this coming Sunday?

I don't know, I figured Fallout3 would get RPG year of the year, but I wish very hard that it doesn't get anything at all.
Having not played Fable 2, I cannot say whether it's a better game or a better RPG than FO3. That said, some places have rules against (or just tend to shy away from) giving a game wins in multiple categories. Perhaps they felt that either 1) FO3 is a better game, but they'd already given it RPGotY or 2) Fable 2 is a better RPG, but it deserves GotY, so RPGotY had to go to someone else. Not saying that's the case, it's just a thought.

As for GTA IV's review score being higher, but it not winning, that's a really naive way to view things. There have been plenty of cases to demonstrate that scores are inconsistent and inherently flawed. There have been cases of sequels getting higher scores then the original, in spite of the reviewer stating outright that it isn't as good as the original. The reverse is true, too, where a sequel gets a lower score than the original in spite of the reviewer preferring the sequel over the original. Review scores are entirely subjective, and any reviewer's score of a game could change from day to day. You cannot simply place a number on something as opinionated as "is this game good" and expect that to be the only metric by which it is measured.
^ This is probably the case. Back when I read CGW, I knew they never had the game of the year in any other categories. This actually makes sense, because then you automatically have the game of the year take up two little mini articles, and no one wants that.
So, let me get this straight... Fable 2, which is freaking buggy as hell, is the Game of the Year? Yeah... I've lost all respect I had for XPlay...
I mean, It's a good game, but until they patch up the bugs, nuh uh...
Ausir said:
Too bad there's no King's Bounty: The Legend in any of the GotY lists. That would definitely be my pick.

What did you expect from a game by a Russian company? Even if the game is 100x better than something made in the US during the whole year, it's still never going to be rated very high in the US (sadly). King's bounty is not the only such game this year. Take, for example Sublustrum (aka Outcry) or Collapse, or Turgor (aka Tension).

This, and also the fact that most of these reviewers probably never heard of HOMM and do not get why that game is way more fun that the FPP and splattering gore of GoW and FO3.

Ausir said:
Even if you're not very fond of Fallout 3, what better RPGs were released this year?

"The world ends with you" for DS :)