Fallout 3 is Game of the Year of the Year

A Lighter Shade Of ...

A Lighter Shade Of ...

Tried to post a question about color change, but the comment system is as arcane as the one that Briosafreak had at his FO3 stalking extravaganza.

4too tried to ask said:
Fashion Statement

Greetings fellow Stone Counter!

Curious about the change in color field, was pink.

Then the *Pink* Door's 'Painted Black'!

Now Black for the Martin Luther King Holiday?

Or the Obama swearing in festivities tomorrow?

Or this a Lunar 'thang' I don't understand! :)


Oh, I forget to spell check until here. :( All spell-nazi'ed!1! :)

Per, he's got standards! In the comments --> Gotta-be a Format GOTY Award Only!

So the The RPG Codex -- 2008 -- The Year That Never Was .. need not apply! http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=181

[GOTY talk, did I use enough !!!!!!111!!!!! ?]
