Fallout 3 is some kind of art


Vault Consort
Staff member
Or so say some people. First there's GameSetWatch, drawing parallels to James Joyce:<blockquote>The message is not all that sophisticated. A moody teenager scribbling "life sucks" in her diary has it beat. As always, the key is not what it says but how it says it. Fallout 3 unleashes anecdotes that cohere into a whole, and tells stories through characters instead of about them. Washington isn't explained in an opening crawl or an in-game textbook, the player learns by being there.

It's an uncommon narrative construction, especially in a medium whose great existential debate on storytelling sometimes feels like an argument over whether the cutscene proportion should be more like Half-Life 2 or Metal Gear Solid. Look at BioShock for an example of something similar: the posthumous histories of its characters, told via audio diaries, represent one sociological element of Rapture. The difference being that the stories run parallel and are paced out for the entire length of the game, where the Fallout 3 vignettes are segmented and sequential.

The separate chapters of Fallout 3 have a thematic unity that the content of other RPGs lack. This is why the short story associating doesn't apply to the whole RPG genre, even though the games usually have a comparable volume of sidequests and incidental characters. </blockquote>And then there's NPR:<blockquote>Fallout 3 is state-of-the-art game design, and I can say this with confidence because (a) I've followed the industry professionally for many years, and (b) the game has completely devoured my free and not-so-free time for the last month or so.

I would also contend that the game is the final winning argument -- if one still needs to be made -- for videogames as art.


Fallout has gotten into my head (and dreams) more than any of [the post-apocalyptic books or films]. A big part of that is the nature of the videogame medium. Fallout is a first-person RPG (role-playing game) -- the most immersive of the various, blurrily defined videogame types. When you play, you are the hero; you are there -- wandering the wastelands, dodging mutants, getting radiation poisoning and otherwise enjoying the end of the world as we know it.</blockquote>Suggested by the usual Ausir.
This just in. Joyce is spinning in his grave.

As for spinning, the author of the GameSetWatch piece is really stretching the web with that analogy.
Just when I thought we hit the rock bottom of game "journalism", these editorials pop up.

They seem to be using a lot of intelligent-sounding words in an effort to make the writing look witty and thought out, but in practice are just another pathetic sycophantic write-up.
Wow. Poor J. J.

If this F3 = Dubliners, then, like, their next game will be totally like Portrait of the Artist, then comes Ulysses, and yes, Finnigans Wake! Considering how Bethesda has yet to master any of the fundementals of RPG creation and will nevertheless be moving on to bigger, more ambitious creations, we are in for a treat.

"Yea, on the word of a Bloom, ye shall ere long enter into the golden city which is to be, the new Bethesdalem in the Nova Hibernia of the future."
Shame on NPR for trying to bring this, at best, mediocre and derivative game to the height of art for the ages. I thought they'd know better. Suppose their quality's been dropping for years and I never noticed.
Arghhh......super-rad reviews there, so illuminating. It's really funny how so many people are going gaga for F3. Like a guy who gets eyed by a staggeringly "hot" chick all the blood goes to his dick and his brain shuts off. So deep.....this F3 sends all the blood rushing to my OMFG cortex at the expense of any critical examination of the game. It's..just...so..fucking..gorgeous. All hail F3!!!!
Moving Target said:
Shame on NPR for trying to bring this, at best, mediocre and derivative game to the height of art for the ages. I thought they'd know better. Suppose their quality's been dropping for years and I never noticed.
Nah, they just don't cover videogames so when they do, they end up looking like asshats for their ignorance. If they want to get into videogame journalism then they need to hold it up to the same standards they do the rest of their work, a proposition to which I can only wish them good luck with given the idiots currently in the industry.
Fallout 3 is a House of Leaves, not a Ulysses, and Bethesda is no James Joyce, they're just a pack of pretentious Danielewski's.
Fallout 3 is the NEXT Tom Clancy book.
Bethesda is CURRENT Tom Clancy.

Edit: to clarify it.

And beth has made 2 good games, if you include daggerfall and morrowind. :P
Oh well.
No, Tom Clancy gave us Rogue Spear and the original Ghost Recons, and his earlier books were actually decent before he ran out of ideas.
Bethesda put out maybe one good game under their development house.
UncannyGarlic said:
Nah, they just don't cover videogames so when they do, they end up looking like asshats for their ignorance.

*Whew* That's good to know. I was really worried for a while there. It would be good if they actually got someone who *knew* video games to talk about them, though.

Eyenixon said:
Fallout 3 is a House of Leaves, not a Ulysses, and Bethesda is no James Joyce, they're just a pack of pretentious Danielewski's.


I actually liked House of Leaves, a lot, but HoL is Danielwski's version of Coppola's "Godfather": He got lucky with it. He's a one trick pony, and a really pretentious one at that.
Eyenixon said:
No, Tom Clancy gave us Rogue Spear and the original Ghost Recons
Correction. He only gave a background story to those games. The gameplay goodness etc was thanks to the developers :)
Moving Target said:
I actually liked House of Leaves, a lot, but HoL is Danielwski's version of Coppola's "Godfather": He got lucky with it. He's a one trick pony, and a really pretentious one at that.

Not being familiar with that author, I may be a bit off base here, but what?
I meant "One hit wonder", when it comes to Danielwski's quality after House of Leaves, and that Coppola got lucky with "The Godfather" - and, in a similar way, Danielewski got lucky with House of Leaves. So it was sort of a mangled attempt at saying two and a half things at once.
Modern Video Gaming Canon

Modern Video Gaming Canon

Duncan Fyfe said:
... Fallout 3 is easily cross-referenced and classifiable in the modern video gaming canon. ...

Duncan Fyfe said:
... modern video gaming canon. ...

Where can one obtain this amalgamated 'chapter and verse' that definitively documents "modern video gaming canon"?

@ Ausir and Per and any cogent notaries, does such (a) document(s) exist or is this more 'over the top' hyperbole. (?)

The word gratuitous comes to mind.

Gratuitous can cut at least two ways according to my TextEdit dictionary:

1 uncalled for; lacking good reason; unwarranted : gratuitous violence.
2 given or done free of charge : solicitors provide a form of gratuitous legal advice.

Since name dropping dead literary entities is the theme,

recall ...

Douglas Adams' faux award ... for the most gratuitous use of the word F-ck in a screenplay.

Gratuitous adulation to bolster the 'high brow' prowess of a commercial venture in computer gaming entertainment.

FO3 just can't be left to be what it is. These web comparisons seem to wander away into ... future gratuities ...

The comments to the 'Game Set Watch' piece features a troll defending the honor of Duncan Fyfe, and ...
and a few apt literary analogies, Chaucer, Cervantes, Dickens, that might have made the author's points
with out wandering into an English Major's fever dreams,
got to praising the narrative whole,
one Irishman shy of ... gratuitous.

Well let's take note of other articles that push "the art" of FO3.
These other awards that are mushrooming out of the bandwidth compost are rather 'higher and deeper', (gratuitous),
and this new spin to the buzz has the distinctive smell of hype to recast FO3 in a role beyond it's pecuniary intensions.

Are these freelance worshipers of the
Duncan Fyfe said:
... modern video gaming canon. ...


operatives pumping up a clients credentials ... enthralling the future Pulitzer and Nobel aspirations ... Todd and Emil to be grammatically/stylistically circumcised/eviscerated by future English Major sophomores. Sic semper ... transit gloria.

We get a free - gratuitous - laugh when FO3 gets rubbed raw by its' native guerillas, (especially the NPR fluffery),
sometimes you smell the coffee,
sometimes the roses,
some times the 'plot holes' rise into the aether,
and sometimes the farts don't stink.

Pure methane ... (no smoking please)... and ''sic semper ... transit gloria ''... to you too --> " 'modern video gaming canon' ".

Mikael Grizzly said:
Just when I thought we hit the rock bottom of game "journalism", these editorials pop up.

They seem to be using a lot of intelligent-sounding words in an effort to make the writing look witty and thought out, but in practice are just another pathetic sycophantic write-up.
Well throw a red dot on a white empty canvas, display it in a gallery and its called "art".

What ever if now a men or monkey did the picture. Who cares. Its in a gallery!

Fallout 3 is definetly "not" art in my eyes. Its a product. Its intention was to "make" money. Its treated by its own developers like a product cut and cencored when ever any danger to "sales" might be in sight. Thus how could it ever be real art in any form if even its creators see it as a product ?
Mikael Grizzly said:
Just when I thought we hit the rock bottom of game "journalism", these editorials pop up.

They seem to be using a lot of intelligent-sounding words in an effort to make the writing look witty and thought out, but in practice are just another pathetic sycophantic write-up.

Even educated people are willing to be bought...