Fallout 3 Official Site goes multi-lingual

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
In conjunction with the release of the latest dev diary, the Fallout 3 official site is now available under 7 flags: Australian, British, USA, French, German, Italian and Spanish. The first three are all the same, so let's summarize in saying it's available in 5 languages now, which you can pick as you enter the site.

Kinda weird that they would skip on the fact that the biggest Fallout fanbases after the English one are the Polish, Czech, Russian and other east-European ones.
Yeah, well i'm sure they copied from us :P

Also, maybe the *fanbases* are the largest, but the markets certainly are bigger in Western Europe. Remember Bethsoft's approach is market-oriented, not fan-oriented. [/troll]
Silencer is right... The share of the (eg.) Russian fanbase is surely big, but it's a warezland too. :/
So, Bethesda's decision is fairly... economic.
Fallout fansbases are in big part central-east-european.

Fallout3 fanbases are the same as Oblivion fanbases. Obviously Beth knows that Fallout fanbases are not their target for Fallout3
"Ins Auge springendes Bildmaterial aus den Labors!"
Ach, verrecke Beth.

(Edit: The quoted sentence is grammatically right, but it sounds just so... fucked up.)
It might be weird, but having the official Fallout site in the biggest languages in the world isn't that weird to me :)

But for my money, they could easily have the site in Russian and mandarin Chinese as well :)

The German citation used here is of course grammatically correct, but it might not be correct in the pragmatic sense meaning that Germans won't be writing or saying the things Bethsoft think they do.

I know a bit of German and what are Bethsoft trying to say:
'eye popping pictures from the lab' or something like that.
aries369 said:
It might be weird, but having the official Fallout site in the biggest languages in the world isn't that weird to me

Not really. Spanish and English are the numbers 2 and 3 most spoken languages, German and French don't come in until 10 and 11, Italian never figured into it at all.

Russian, Portuguese and Japanese all have more native speakers than the German or French.

But indeed, it's about markets.
No, it's because they can't yet find translators and ensure that they aren't terrorist bloom-immune Communists who might vandalise their site without their knowledge. They are working closely with the Department of Homeland Security though, so it will be any time now.
Probably a lot about markets (and as previously mentioned, pirating), but I wouldn't be surprised if it also had a little to do with the fact that Polish, Russian, and Czech are all Slavic. Maybe the translator they used didn't do Slavic languages... Hopefully they'll fix the problem.
Well ... (yeeee my english sux ... advert :P )talking about the spanish , the translater working a bit more this time ...
In oblivion the translation looks is made from the google trans ... Basic words from a children , like my english.
But in the official page of fallout 3 the translation look good , i can post a new in lostvault with copy and paste :P

At least we can say bethesda do a good thing , can play the shit in my native lang he he
